12. Sirius Black

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"Black? Are you in here boy?" Spencer said.

A sound came from further in the house. She slowly walked further.

"Black it's me, Spence. It's just me" she said hoping the dog would come out. "Black c'mon out I can hear you" she said laughingly.

However, nothing came out.


She walked into the room in which the noise had been coming from and couldn't believe her eyes.

She wiped the tears once more to make sure she had been correctly looking at the man standing in front of her.

The Azkaban Prisoner who everyone had been looking for was just under everyone's noses.

She took out her wand and ran towards him. She pointed her wand at his neck, "What did you do to my dog" she said angrily.

"I see the prints on the floor and don't. lie. to. me" she said in her best Snape imitation while shoving her wand deeper into the man's neck.

"Calm down" Sirius said as he raised his arms in defeat.

"My. Dog"!Spencer repeated.

"About that..." Sirius said as he transformed into his dog form.

He walked out to the main room to stand on the same footprints Spencer had seen.

"Holy... shit" Spencer said while walking backward, causing her to hit her back on a wall.

She lowered her wand and looked at her dog.

She could only look at him, nothing came out.

Sirius turned back into his Human form and sat on the couch. Spencer was left speechless looking at the floor.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked while looking at her.

She looked him in the eye, "murder" with a smile on her face.

"Fascinating subject" Sirius replied returning her smile with a grin.

"You could've killed me when we first met" Spencer said.

"You fed me. I couldn't kill you then" Sirius replied while laying down on the couch and staring at the ceiling.

"or at the lake when I was going to drown, or now and you're not" Spencer kept saying.

"Do you want me to kill you?" Sirius asked

She laughed at his question. "Do you?" she asked.

"I don't want to kill you" he answered.

"You haven't killed anyone since you've been here" she noted.

"I'm trying to lay low" he replied.

She laughed at his response.

"Why are you laughing? You should be scared of me" he said while sitting up almost offended she wasn't scared of him.

"Sorry it's justa" she said but couldn't stop laughing. "You're so cute as a dog I honestly-" she couldn't talk anymore, she kept on laughing.

"Haha very funny very funny" he remarked.

When she finally calmed down, she saw he was staring a hole into the table.

"I'm not the bad guy" he said in strong conviction.

She sat up straight, "everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy."

"Well, I'm not" Sirius answered.

"I know you're not" she replied.

"How could you possibly know?"

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