115. Monarch butterfly

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"Well isn't this a party" Sirius spoke from the door of her bedroom.

Harry was sleeping, taking an afternoon nap on Spencer's chest, as she read a book.

Nox was in the corner of the bed, also taking his afternoon nap.

"Seniors aren't allowed here, don't they ID at the door?" she replied, chewing her twizzler.

"I'm wounded" he walked up to her.

She pet the empty space beside her, signaling him to lay down next to her.

"What are we reading?" he laid down.

"Nothing" she answered.

"Ouu, something naughty" he raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah, these cowboys are about the have sex in their tent so if you don't mind" she placed her index finger on her lips, shushing him.

Sirius took the book from her hands.

"Hey" she whisper yelled.

"This is lame- this is academic. Where's the gay cowboy sex I was promised!" he put the book down on the night stand.

Harry turned around, groaning at the sound of his voice.

"Shut up" she whispered.

"Why are you reading a book about beasts- you just graduated. Do you want to know what I was doing after I graduated?"


"That was one time! He promised he'd never speak about it!" he exclaimed.

"You guys did coke?" her eyes widened as she chuckled.

"Once," he said nonchalantly, "we were more into weed- obviously."

She nodded, "obviously."

"It's summer. You're supposed to be having fun."

"I am having fun, I was learning how vampires are killed."

"Stake to the heart, blah blah blah" he replied.

"That book says sometimes it doesn't work like that" she shrugged.

"What" he said shocked.

She shrugged, "it said something about dismembering them and burning the body. I guess it depends how old they are? The speed at which they can take the stake out-"

Sirius started to snore.

"You suck" she laughed, punching his shoulder.

"Sometimes I swallow" he smiled.

"Watch it! There's a thirteen year old's ears listening" she poked his chest.

"Ok mom" he rolled his eyes.

"You're bored" she noted.

"Yes. Harry is the only one who will play football with me and he's sleeping like a baby."

"He is a baby."

"You know what I mean" he rolled his eyes again.

"Why don't you ask Roman" she asked.

"I did! He said he's not paid to do that. Excuse me but I don't see anyone leaving any time soon" he shook his head.

Spencer laughed, "well we're leaving in an hour or so, have you found an outfit?"

"Of course I have, who do you think I am?"

"You guys talk too much" Harry murmured.

They laughed, "blame Sirius, he came in here complaining."

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