25. The Aftermath

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"She's not talking about her father, is she?" Remus said as he looked at her lifeless body that was against Fred.

"She's talking about-" George tried to say but Fred cut him off.

"Snape" Fred answered as she took her hair out of her face.

Fred turned to look at Remus, angered.

"You should've stepped in front of her- like you did with Harry" he argued.

"I didn't think it would get this far-"

"Well it did" he yelled.

"Fred-" George tried to say but Fred yelled back, "No! didn't you hear how she begged me not to let her do this George!"

"We need to take her to Madam Pomfrey-" Remus tried to say.

"No shit"


"No George it's fine, he has all the right to be mad at me" Remus said as he saw Fred pick Spencer up. 

They all walked to the medical ward and Fred set her down on a bed

"What happened?" Madam Pomfrey asked Remus as she examined Spencer.

"We did a boggart in class and... it went a bit too far," Remus admitted. "She froze in place and I didn't have any calming draught so I gave her a sleeping one."

"Well everything seems fine on the outside... it's her mind that needs rest" Madam Pomfrey said as she placed her hand on her face, running circles on her cheek.

"I'd recommend taking her to her room... she should get good rest and if she has any problems she can come to me" she told the three of them. "and how are you Remus? feeling better?"

"better" he nodded. The twins looked at each other and back at him. Madam Pomfrey nodded and walked out of the room.

"I had a cold" he cleared his throat.

"I can carry her up to her room" Remus offered.

Fred reluctantly nodded, "I'm staying with her, I don't want to leave her alone"

"Mate I think we'll all be staying with her" George laughed.

Remus picked her up from the bed Fred set her on. Luckily everyone was either in their common room or outside and no one saw them.

They stood outside of Spencer's room. Remus waited for Fred to open the door but he winced in pain.

"Shit" he said as he reached for his arm and clutched it. "It burned me" he said questioningly with a smirk.

"Why are you smiling? didn't that hurt?" George asked.

"I kept barging in all the time... she finally set up a spell blocking me out. Sneaky witch" Fred said while smiling at her.

"Turn around" Remus said to the twins.

"Why?" they asked simultaneously.

"Well because I know a counter spell and I don't want you guys to see me cast it" he replied.

"Fine" Fred replied as he turned his back around.

"I'll be casting a muffliato as well... so don't be sneaky" he chuckled.

"Fine" Fred repeated. George turned around as well.

Honestly, Remus wasn't sure if it would've worked. He was rather nervous to find out the answer.

He touched the doorknob and opened the door, his heart skipped a beat when the door propped right open- not burning his hand.

However he frowned as he remembered how they left things.

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