120. Scratched and bloody

369 29 3


As the end of October gets closer, I hope you're doing well.

Remember you can always talk to me.

I know you're probably stressed with school work, but would it kill you to write me back?

I love you,


Spencer sat alone on an Italian beach.

The sun set as Andrew slept on his configured beach bed.

The last few weeks had been hard for her, half of the reason being because she knows how much Remus, Sirius, and Harry suffer as Halloween comes closer.

The other half was purely herself.

Remus has been on her mind more often than not.

She hated her brain.

She hated her body.

She hated her life.

Not because it was bad, but because when you hate your brain and your body... it's hard to enjoy the rest.

Her heart hurt as she wondered how long she'd feel this way.

It's been months.

She tried to tell herself it doesn't matter.

She wanted to be free from the thing, the person, the event, the memory.

But the feeling is still there, it's always there, waiting.


For a while, it seemed to be gone.

She thought she was free at last, and then, out of the hidden depths, there it came again.

Dragging her down.

Screaming at her, it matters, it matters, it matters.

She placed her finished cigarette in her now empty cup before laying down- letting the water cover her body.

She stared at the sky, thinking back to something Severus had told her.

When people fall out of love with you, there's nothing you can do to change their mind. They just don't love you anymore.

"Not trying to drown again, are we?" Emily asked.

Spencer sat up, "no" she shook her head.

"How are you?"

"Ok" she shrugged.

"I do hope you're not killing Andy's vibe" she laughed.

"I probably am" she admitted.

"I'm sure he'd love to help, if you asked."

"I have, he is" she smiled. "He's been very kind and supporting."

"I know" she nodded. "Buying an apartment complex is a bit much but, what can I say, I'd probably do the same if I had that amount of money."

She laughed, "yeah, me too."

"Where are we" Emily looked around. "Not Mexico, that's for sure."

"Italy" Spencer answered.

"Ah, makes sense" she nodded.

"Makes sense?"

"I spotted men in 5 inch inseam shorts."

Spencer laughed out loud, Emily followed. "What! I'm being honest!"

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