119. Wine

368 20 7


Andrew and I are moving in together!! I'm so excited. It's so pretty.

My bedroom is so big and the living room oh my god it's gorgeous.

We have two extra rooms and an office and an attic.

You have to come over soon and see it!!

Hope to hear from you soon,


Andrew walked to their kitchen, wanting tea.

He turned to the living room, catching something in the living room from the corner of his eye.

"Spence?" he yawned.

"Hey! Sorry- did I wake you? I didn't mean to" she got off the ladder.

"Do you know what time it is?"

Spencer looked out the window, "suns not up yet" she shrugged.

"It's four in the morning" he noted. "The wall will still be up there tomorrow" he laughed.

"I'm just excited!"

Andrew walked closer to her and picked up a random frame.

It was the picture her grandfather had taken of Sirius, Harry, and her.

"He's hot" he noted, talking about Sirius.

Spencer chuckled, "pretty good in bed too."

"You didn't!" he said scandalously, looking up at her.

"I'm just a girl" she shrugged.

"Oh- dear Merlin, save us all" he laughed. "You'll have to introduce me" he handed her back the photo.

"I have no interest in a threesome" she took it.

"Who said that's what I wanted?" he walked back to the kitchen.

"I guess if I have to give someone my sloppy seconds" she sighed.

Andrew laughed out loud. "So you've forgotten about you know who?"

She took a deep breath, scratching the skin on the side of her thumb.

"Have you heard about the gardens of Babylon?"

"Of course, who hasn't."

After a moment, his heart sank.

He understood.

The gardens were never proven to exist.

There was no archeological evidence that it stood where people said it did.

"Oh" he said out loud.

"I haven't forgotten" she admitted. "But was it real?"

"Was it to you?"

"... yes."

"Then it was" he nodded. "Just because he didn't feel what you did doesn't mean what you felt wasn't real."

Spencer stared at the floor.

After a few moments she sighed before looking up and giving him a short smile.

"Life is complicated" she shrugged.

"Yes it is" he nodded. "I slept with Eliot" he admitted.

"I slept with Jack" she admitted, then covered her mouth.


"You slept with Eliot!" she pointed at him.

"He is much better than Jack!"

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