35. *I have a suspicion

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"Well look who we have here" Fred smiled as Spencer walked closer to the table.

"Hi" she smiled back as she sat down.

"Hi" Hermione nudged Spencer.

"Hi" she laughed.

"Hello" Harry nodded at Spencer.

"Hey you," Spencer chuckled, "feels like I haven't seen you in ages" she added.

Harry smiled and looked back down at his food.

"Here you go" Fred said as he handed her a plate.

"Thank you" Spence replied as she took it. "So are we excited for holiday or what?" Spencer giggled, making the rest of the group join.

"Well I know someone who is very excited to see their second daughter" Fred answered.

"I think that I may or may not have gone overboard on his Christmas gifts" she added before drinking her juice.

"He doesn't deserve you" George said.

"None of you do" Spencer shrugged, her comment making the whole table laugh in agreement.

The group continued on to have breakfast, Spencer continually looking up at where Remus would be sitting. Spencer knew his shower was not just a shower and chuckled to herself.

Finally, Remus walked in, hair wet, and went to his seat. Spencer raised her eyebrows at him, Remus laughed as he immediately knew why Spencer did it in the first place.

However, he quickly stopped laughing as Professor Kula asked him what was funny. Spencer rolled her eyes and looked back at her table.

"So that's why you don't like her?" Hermione asked in a whisper.

"Shhh" Spencer said placing her finger on her own lips. "I don't know the range of his" Spencer added as she pointed at her ears.

Hermione nodded, "right right" she replied. The girls laughed together.

Spencer continued to enjoy her day, she could feel the excitement of later running through her veins.

However she was currently stuck building a snowman with the younger kids as Fred and George sat under a tree.

"Wasn't it their idea to build it?" Ron huffed.

"Yeah but this is fun, is it not?" Hermione asked.

"We could use magic to speed up the process" Harry shrugged.

"Magic defeats the purpose!" the boys yelled at them.

"What's the bloody purpose" Ron scoffed.

"Guys the whole point is to bond over making this snowman" Spencer answered. "Bonding would be a lot faster if two dimwits came and helped us" Spencer said loud enough for them to hear.

"Don't you remember? We're bonding later tonight baby" Fred answered, Spencer rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I still don't understand why we can't use magic, I mean we can only use magic at hog-" Harry tried to say.

"Using magic is cheating" Spencer cut him off.

"Well I think it depends on the subject" someone behind Spencer answered.

"What do you mean Professor?" Harry asked.

"Well," Remus said as he got on his knees and started helping them, "if you were to use your magic to complete homework- then yes that's cheating" he added as he started placing snow on the ball.

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