134. Permission to hold your hand?

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10th of March.

Remus' birthday.

Spencer stared at Nox's body inhale and exhale as he slept.

She had asked for the day off, not really knowing why.

Andrew was off to work, leaving her all alone with her thoughts.

She decided against it, decided against her brain.

It told her to wallow in bed, to succumb to her negative thoughts.

She wasn't going to do that.

She got up and walked to the kitchen. Making herself a full breakfast.

Eggs, bacon, toast, hash brown, fruit, yogurt, and orange juice.

She read the paper, noting the political issues.

She moved down to the resilience section, yoga has proven to have positive health effects.

They listed poses and the average time they should be held.

She thought about it.


"Hmm" she hummed.

She picked up her plates before going into the attic, "accio mat."

Andrew's work out mat came out and flew to her hand.

She brought it into her room, placing it down on an empty space.

She raised her hands to the sky, her left leg straight back as she kneeled down slightly with her right one.

She switched legs.

Lily suddenly joined her, she stood beside her and followed along.

They followed the article to a t.

After fifteen minutes, Spencer found she quite liked it.

It was easy to focus on the movements and her breathing rather than her thoughts.

Thirty more minutes passed until she finished.

"That was nice" Lily noted.

"Yeah" she nodded. "Science says it's good."

Lily nodded as she chuckled, "science is usually always right" she sat down, picking up a book Spencer had left at the table.

"I'm going to shower, be back soon."

She walked into the bathroom, deciding she was going to take her time.

She forgotten how fun it was to take care of herself.

How beautiful every product smelled and made her feel.

She then put a hair and face mask on, walking back to her room.

Lily was sitting on her couch.

"Where's James?" Spencer asked as she went to go sit down on her bed.

"Sent him away, I'm still angry with him."

"Don't be" she shook her head. "It passed, can't do much about it."

She sighed, "I should've told you."

"Should've could've would've."

Lily chuckled, then suddenly stopped.

She stared at Spencer.

"You okay?"

It took Lily a second to reply, "yeah, just... yeah" she nodded.

Suddenly her phone rang from downstairs.

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