43. He's scared you're leaving him

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"Shut up Remus" Spencer groaned, hitting his face.

"Huh?" he said groggily, still waking up.

"I said shut up" she turned around.

"I just woke-"

"You're snoring and I have a headache" she groaned.

"You sure it wasn't your own snoring" he tried to joke, but got no reaction from her.

He smiled as he heard her own snoring start up again.

Remus flipped and placed his hand on her waist, running his thumb up and down on her stomach.

He took in a deep breath, smelling her. He smiled to himself before kissing her shoulder.

"I hate you" she muttered.


"You woke me up and now I can't go back to sleep" she placed her hand on top of his.

"I didn't know hating me made you affectionate" he chuckled.

"Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I don't want to touch you" she replied.

"You're so weird" he laughed, kissing her shoulder again.

Spencer flipped over, touching the left side of his face.

"We need to talk" he spoke.

"Yeah... we do" she nodded with a sad smile.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked, furrowing his brows.

"What do you want to talk about?" she copied him.

Remus rolled his eyes chuckling.

"What about?" she asked. "But please with a low voice" she chuckled.

"Harry" he nodded smiling.

"Harry?" she asked.

"Yeah ever since you left yesterday he was weird all day" he shrugged.


"Well he said he was tired" Remus answered.

"Better question: what do you think" she asked, putting her leg on top of his.

"I think he's scared you're leaving him" he said sadly.

"Why would I leave him?"

"I just think that in his brain you spending time with your grandfather means you're getting your family back" he shrugged. "You're his family, anyone with half a brain can tell you that. But not by blood... and he knows that" he frowned.

Spencer sighed as she stared behind Remus. "I'm too hung over for this" she chuckled, Remus joined her.

He studied the features of her face, smiling to himself.

"Do you ever just wish you can remember every moment?" he asked.

"Yeah," she nodded, placing her hand on his cheek, "I do."

Remus took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

"Are you trying to remember this?"

He nodded in response. "The way the birds are chirping, your leg on top of mine, your hand cupping my cheek, your laugh," he opened his eyes, "you" he finished saying.

Spencer blushed before placing her head on his chest and planting a kiss.

"Ever so romantic" she chuckled.

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