82. *Another guard dog

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Spencer stared at his back from the kitchen island, admiring his form.

He was cooking lunch, adamant that she just wait.

She stood up from her chair, slowly walking up to him.

"If you're going to help, go sit back down" he said, his back still to her.

She continued to walk to him, wrapping her arms around him and placing her head on his back.

Moving her hands under his shirt, her finger tips traced his figure.

After a few minutes, Spencer moved her hand down- going under his pants.

Remus cleared his throat, "Spencer..."

"Yes, my love?" she stroked him.

"Spence-" he set the spoon he was holding down, turning off the heat.

Spencer let go of him, causing him to turn around.

Placing herself on her knees, she lowered his pants. Leaning forward, Spencer wrapped her lips around him, sliding her mouth until his tip touched the end.

She'd considered teasing, considered making him wait before taking him, but Spencer couldn't deny that she was impatient.

A strained "Fuck" sounded from above her, and she slowly withdrew. She licked him slowly, a groan encouraging her.

Remus held her hair tightly, Spencer could hear his breathing louder, gasping even, and she felt herself throbbing.

"The things you do to me" he'd said once.

And it was at this moment that she realized what he'd meant.

Remus was utterly undone.

Always had been.

And she'd done that to him.

"Love" he pulled himself out of her mouth.

Spencer looked up at him, meeting his dark eyes.

"You're beautiful" she said breathlessly.

"I'm pretty sure I'm the one that's supposed to say that" he handed her his hand, wanting her to stand.

"But you didn't-"

He captured her mouth.

"I need to be inside you already, whatever game we're playing you've won" he shook his head.

"But the food-"

"Fuck the food" he carried her up to their room.

"Remus" she giggled.

As he got closer to the bed, Remus stopped.

"Fucking cat" he sighed.

"What" Spencer turned her head, looking at Nox taking a nap right in the middle of the bed. "Oh my god isn't he the cutest" she smiled to herself.

"He's something alright" he said before putting Spencer down.

"You like him" she hit his shoulder lightly.

"I'd like him a little more if he didn't cock block me."

"Who said anything about being cock blocked?"

"We're not having sex in my old room, the bed is too uncomfortable" he shook his head.

"We have a couch" she looked for one of his ties. "If you'd like to, of course."

"Maybe the cats not so bad" he shrugged, following her to the living room.

Once they walked downstairs Spencer told him to sit, she then wrapped the tie around his eyes.

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