89. If you were cowboys

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"Hi" she whispered, placing her arm around Harry. "Is Ron okay?" she asked Madam Pomfrey.

"Yes, scared but fine nevertheless" she smiled.

Spencer nodded.

Harry stared at Ron's body on the bed, "let's go to bed" Spencer whispered before she kissing Harry's head.

"I want to stay with Ron" he shook his head.

"Ron will be here in the morning" she replied. "I promise you the moment we wake up we'll come and see how he is doing."

"And if we go now I'll make you some hot chocolate" she whispered.

Harry still didn't face her.

"Jamie it's late, you need sleep" she sighed.

He looked up at her.

"Okay" he said.

She nodded. "If you'd like to come I can give you your cardigan back" Spencer looked over to Remus.

Remus looked to Dumbledore who nodded. "I will speak to you tomorrow" he said.

"Lead the way" Remus replied to Spencer.

They walked back in silence. Harry took his shoes off at the door and went straight into Spencer's bedroom.

Spencer sighed as she stared at him leave.

Remus walked to the kitchen.

She didn't know where to go.

To Harry or to Remus.

It seemed like a life time passed as she stared at the options.

Remus came out, confused to see her there.

"Why aren't you with him?" he whispered.

She shrugged, "shouldn't I be with you?" she asked.

"He needs you more than me" he shook his head.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" he answered. "Now go" he pointed at their room with his head.

"I promised I'd make him-"

"I'm making it, don't worry" he walked to her. "Go" he kissed her head.

"Remus" she whispered. "How do I help him?"

He sighed, "I don't know" he answered. "Just be there."

He kissed her head again before leaving to the kitchen.

Spencer opened the door and saw Harry sitting on her bed. Looking toward the window, shoulders slumped.

"Hey" she said softly.

"Hi" he replied.

"Hi" she sat beside him, wrapping her arm around him.

Harry immediately broke down and cried against her.

Spencer teared up as Harry fought to breathe. "It's okay" she rubbed his back. "Let it out" she added.

"I'm sorry" she whispered. "I'm so sorry" she cried.

"This is all my fault" he tried to say.

Spencer continued to rub his back as he kept crying.

After a few minutes Harry got off her. "I'm sorry" he said wiping his face. "I'm so-"

She shook her head, kissing his head before hugging him tightly.

"Don't worry about it" she whispered.

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