147. I want to spend time with you

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"Please, be careful" Severus asked.

"Dude, relax."

He rolled his eyes before taking a step back.

Spencer moved her fingertips through the air, each gesture curating a specific action.

It was a silent language of magic that only she could understand. As her fingers moved, a faint red glow came from her palm.

She placed her other hand below it, trying to make the glow into a ball.

"Don't make it bigger, get rid of it" he told her.

Spencer took her hand out of the bottom, she tried to relax her fingers and get rid of the ball. Then the glow. It took a few moments, but she got rid of it.

"That was good" he complimented.

"What good will would do if I'll never be able to use it."

"It's for the better, you know this."

She rolled her eyes.

"It's good to practice, this is not something you want to accidentally happen and not be prepared."

"I want to see what it does."

"You know what it does, it destroyed a tree."

"Not just the blob, my magic" she said excitedly.

"You know what that does too, you cut a werewolf."

She stood straight, "who told you that?"

He didn't answer. "Stick to learning the piano and applying to university. Applications are due soon, aren't they?"

"The book said something about some healing power, can we try that?" she ignored him.

"I told you to become a healer if you wanted to do that."

"C'mon- it's just between me and you" she smiled.

"You're tip toeing the line."

"Where's the line? You just drew one and want me to comply without asking questions. Why is there a line in the first place?"

He sighed in annoyance before grabbing a knife.

"What are you doing?"

He brought up his right sleeve and cut a slit in his arm, blood dripped out.

"What are you doing!" she ran to him, taking his arm.

"You said you wanted to heal, so heal."

"Sev! What the fuck."

"It's just a little blood, nothing to worry about" he assured her.

"I don't know the incantation- I just wanted to talk to you about it" she shook her head. "You're fucking crazy."

He hid his smile by summoning a book, it landed on the table and opened to a page.

"It's Latin" she said annoyed. "Why does everything have to be Latin" she muttered.

Fac horologium contra
Reduc quod olim fuit meum
Sana quod est malum
Mutato fatorum consilio
Serva quod perierat

She repeated the phrases to herself several times, he watched as she focused on the pronunciation.

A few minutes passed before she was ready to give it a try.

She moved her fingers as she spoke, the cut started glowing red as she continued.

Slowly it put itself back together, making it seem as if he had never cut himself in the first place.

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