81. *Nox

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"Remus" he heard Spencer say.

"Mhm" he said with his eyes closed, still wanting to sleep.

"Wake up" she replied.

"No, let's keep sleeping" he shook his head.

"It's time for breakfast" she said in a singsong voice.

"Not hungry" he murmured.

"Open your eyes" she giggled to herself.

He sighed before rubbing his eyes and opening them.

His eyes widened at a naked Spencer on top of him.

"Hungry?" she smirked.

He brought his hand closer to her entrance, running his finger on her lips.

Spencer blushed at his carefulness, his touch creating millions of endorphins.

"Starving, actually" he said before pulling her closer and licking her.

Spencer chuckled and played with Remus' hair as he ate her.

She moved her hips in a circular position, staring at the ceiling as his tongue licked her in the right place.

"Didn't get enough yesterday?" he asked.

"Of course not" she moaned, staring at the ceiling.

He ran his thumb along her clit as she squeezed her breast, her other hand still in his hair.

"Fuck- right there" she whimpered, her legs shaking slightly.

A heat growing in her belly.

Remus stopped, laying her down and putting himself on top.

"I was close" she hit his chest softly.

"I know" he kissed her neck. "I want to play with you a little longer" he nibbled on her ear, his finger teasing her.

"Must you?" she said breathlessly.

"I must" he said before kissing her.

"Remus-" she cut herself off with a moan then biting down on her lip to quiet herself.

"You can be as loud as you want darling, you saw the distance between the neighbors and us" he pulled her lip back with his teeth.

She did.

Spencer had made a joke that if he were to kill her nobody would be able to hear her scream.

He put his finger inside her, moving it forward and back.

She arched her back, her breath hot on his cheek.

"Please" she shut her eyes as he shoved another finger in. "Remus, please."

"Say the magic word" he licked the space in between her breasts.

"I said please" she said out of breath.

"Wrong magic word."

Spencer looked down at him, cheeks read.

"Please, daddy" she tired to hide her smile.

Remus captured her mouth, biting her lip as he let go.

He licked her nipple before teasing her with his dick.

"Fuck," he whispered as he started at the ceiling, "you feel so good."

He'd planed to start slowly... but every time his planned failed.

Remus could never control himself when it came to her.

She relished the fact.

"Don't stop" she held onto his arm that held her waist. "Fuck- never stop" she moaned.

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