17. Wrist

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Spencer turned around in bed multiple times until she realized what was missing, a body next to her. She sat up and ran her hand through her hair, looking around her room and noticing a flower on her nightstand.

She picked up the peach rose and then noticed the paper next to it.

Your head rests softly against my chest
I feel warmth a charm could never bring

You run your hands through my hair
and your finger across my scars.

Your hand intertwined in mine
Darling, you're perfect like the stars

I notice the doodles and annotations
on the margins of your books
and sketches on napkins

I notice you.

walk to your table


Spencer held the paper to her chest, she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She smiled at the faint smell of him. She placed it back down on her nightstand and got out of bed, carrying the flower with her.

She looked at her table which had a cup of tea, she could see the short vapor coming out of the cup.

hopefully it's not cold
again, sorry I had to leave so early.

have a good day love


Spencer smiled to herself as she brought the cup of tea to her mouth.

Remus smiled to himself at the thought of his favorite tea settling in her mouth.


After breakfast, Spencer walked to her first class.

She thought about Remus and what he was doing, how he was gone every month and the stupid joke she made.

"Spencer!" She heard someone say from behind. She turned around and faked a smile. "Professor Kula! Hi" she said while gripping her books tighter.

"You wouldn't know where Re- Professor Lupin is? I can never find him, it seems you've been taking up all his time" the professor inquired with a light laugh.

Spencer awkwardly laughed with her.

Spencer thought to herself, should I tell her where he actually is?

"Sorry no, all I know is he won't be in the castle for a couple of days. There's only so much he tells his assistant" Spencer answered.

"Hmm... right, well, when you see him tell him I'd like to have a word could you" she asked.

"Sure, anything you would like me to tell him?" Spencer said with a smile on her face.

bitch, she added in her head.

"No just- mention I want to speak to him yeah?" Kula replied.

"Sure" Spencer answered, she turned back to the direction she was walking.

"Enjoy your day!" Professor Kula called out.

Spencer turned back around and started walking backward, waving her goodbye and turning back around again.

She then rolled her eyes to herself and suddenly there came a light shiver to her spine.

Spencer got to Professor Snape's classroom, empty of course with the exception of him. She took her seat and noticed a vial at the end of the table. He wasn't looking at her, so she decided to grab it.

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