146. Love just is

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Spencer and Andrew laid on the living room floor, staring at the ceiling.

They had just come back from an order meeting. They were told that Voldemort is looking for a weapon the ministry has.

People would be taking shifts to guard it.

And they didn't want their help.

They didn't even know what it was.

Spencer passed the joint to Andrew, "I should paint the ceiling."

"Starry night would look good" he replied.

"I was thinking butterflies" she chuckled.

He laughed, "my bad."

She took a deep breath, placing her hands on her stomach.

"How are you, Andrew?"

He shrugged, "hanging in there."

She nodded, "same."

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing much, trying to find a purpose. The usual."

He laughed, "the usual" he agreed.

"Do you think we're going to die?" she asked.

He sighed, "I hope not" he answered.

"But what do you think?"

He look a long hit, "yeah, maybe."

"I think it'll be me" she confessed.


She took a deep breath, "I wanted to die long ago, it makes sense. The universe will collect what it needs."

He shook his head, "I wish you were as positive with yourself as you are with others."

She chuckled.


She laughed again.

"What?" he turned to look at her.

"Sorry- just," she shook her head, "we're on our floor smoking weed and war is imminent."

Andrew stared at her for a moment, then laughed.

"And all I can think about is how Remus indirectly said he loves me."

"What" Andrew sat up. "When was this?"

"When Harry was here, we all had dinner together at Sirius'" she answered.

"That was weeks ago! You have to tell me when these things happen."

She chuckled, "I just wanted to sit with it for a while, see how I felt about it."


She shrugged, "haven't decided yet."

"What brought this up?"

"Harry asked about Remus' ex" she replied. She turned to look at him, "he asked if he loved her, he replied verbatim "I do.""


"Do" she nodded.

"Do, not did?"

"Yep" she nodded.

"What a dick" he rolled his eyes.

Spencer laughed out loud, "yes" she nodded. "And now that the spirit of sharing is with us- we fought yesterday."

"You and Professor Lupin?"

"Yeah" she answered. "I slapped him."


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