10. Avoidance

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A/N: The definition to words with a * next to them can be found at the end of the chapter :)

Both Remus and Spencer's eyes shot to the door, then back to each other. Remus got off of Spencer and almost fell on the floor.

Spencer tried hard to hold in her laugh and could only smile hardly.

He looked up at her and looked at her angrily.

This was a serious situation she was treating as a joke.

He threw Spencer one of his sweaters, since he couldn't find her shirt, before putting on a shirt himself.

The person knocked again and Remus finally answered.

"Who is it" he fixed his messy apartment.

"Remus, it's Albus-"

"Shit" Remus whispered as he took his eyes away from the door and back to Spencer whose eyes widened.

"I was wondering if you had any quills and ink left? I seem to have run out" Dumbledore added.

"Uhhh... yes. Give me one second" Remus said in a shaky voice.

He went up to Spencer, "When I open the door only that side of the room can be seen. Don't move. Don't breathe."

Spencer nodded her head in response, "How's your *occlumency?"

"It's not bad- why do you-" Spencer tried to respond.

"There's a rumor that Dumbledore can use Legilimency* without needing to use his wand or speak the incantation."

He kissed her forehead and stood up.

He went to his desk to get the quills and ink.

He headed to the door and stared at it, then looked back at Spencer. She threw him a light smile... he didn't smile back.

He moved his arm to the door handle and opened the door. Spencer saw the light from outside hit the floor.

All Dumbledore could see was the kitchen, table, and everything Remus allowed him to.

Oh God, I know we haven't talked in a while but please be on my side, Spencer thought to herself as she brought her knees up to her chest.

"Sorry to bother you at this hour Remus"Dumbledore apologized.

"It's fine Albus, sorry I took so long I was making tea" Remus said while handing him the quill and ink.

"I see... sorry for the intrusion. Goodnight" Dumbledore bid him goodbye.

"None at all, Goodnight Albus" Remus said before he closed the door.

Once they both stopped hearing his footsteps they took a breath.

Remus was still staring at his door, while Spencer was staring at Remus.

Remus placed his hand on his left hip, then rubbed his eye with his other hand before finally looking at Spencer.

Both of his hands on his hips.

This was the worst moment to be turned on.

"Ms. Venus, I think... you should go" Remus spoke coldly while looking at Spencer.

"Remus I think we should-"

"Just... leave" he shook his head.

She refused.

She stayed in place.


She scoffed and got out of his bed.

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