91. The notebook(s)

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"You ever think what life would've been like without magic?" Spencer asked Emily as they sat in front of their lake.

"No" she answered.

"Why?" Spencer looked at her.

"Because we have magic," she said, "it's not like-"

"In another universe we don't have magic, I'm thinking about that universe."


"It's May" Spencer laid back and stared at the sky.


"It's just May" she shrugged.

"You'll survive May" Emily laughed.

"I hope so" Spencer nodded.

"Why are you thinking about other universes?"

"I told Remus I wanted to kidnap Harry-"

"Did you also tell him you want to adopt him?"

"Point is, he told me at one point he also wanted to kidnap Harry."

"I wonder what that would've been like" Emily replied.

"He'd be a good dad" Spencer said.

"Thinking about babies, little sister?"

"I am not-"

"Two minute difference" Emily chuckled.

"You're dead, there is no difference."

"Ouch," Emily placed her hand over her heard, "you wound me" she smiled. "I thought you'd never take back what happened to you, that it made you who you are even if you didn't wish it on anyone else?"

"I don't but think about it... you'd be alive."

"Time doesn't work like that, at least I don't think it does. I would've died either way, don't you think?" Emily shrugged. "Anyway,  you wouldn't have met Remus if you didn't have magic" she pointed out.

Spencer didn't reply.

"Where is wolf boy anyway?"

"Working" she answered.

"Isn't it your job as well?"

"He wants some alone time."

"Trouble in paradise?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Where's Josh?"

"Answering a question with a question" Emily smirked.

"There's no trouble Emily, I'm not entertaining the idea" Spencer replied.

There was trouble, even Spencer knew that.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" Hermione asked as she walked up to Spencer.

"Staring at the sky" she replied.


"It's pretty, I don't appreciate the sky as much as I should" she shrugged.

"Oh," Hermione looked up, "you're right" she said before she sat down and laid back.

"Why are you out here?" Spencer asked.

"Remember when we were having a conversation?" Emily spoke.

Spencer smiled to herself.

"It's nice out today, it's supposed to rain later so I came for my walk" Hermione said. "Then I saw you."

"Sorry for interrupting" Spencer chuckled.

"Are you sad?" she asked.

"No, do I look sad?"

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