116. It happened suddenly

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A month had passed, it was now late July.

Most notably, Harry's birthday.

Spencer smiled to herself as she put the candles on his cake, Sirius looked for the lighter.

He lit them before carrying the cake upstairs to their room.

"Happy birthday to you" Spencer and Sirius started to sing as they walked toward the bed.

Harry slowly woke up, a smile on his face as he realized what was happening.

"Happy birthday to you" they continued. "Happy birthday dear Harry, happy birthday to you" they concluded the song.

"Make a wish" Spencer said.

Harry looked up at both of them before he closed his eyes and blew out the candle.

"Make a good one?" she asked, Sirius put the cake on a table nearby.

"Mhm" he nodded.

"Good" she smiled. "Happy birthday" she handed him a gift bag.

"You didn't have to" he looked down at it with a soft smile.

"Of course I did! I have to get my favorite boy a gift on his birthday- you only turn fourteen once you know" she made him take the bag.

"I thought I was your favorite boy" Sirius walked back to the bed.

"I'm number one" Harry smiled, taking a look as what was inside the bag.

"I guess I'll settle for number two" he winked at her.

She shook her head, "sorry, that spot is taken my Fred" she put her hand on his shoulder. "Better luck next time" she smiled before turning back to look at Harry.

"By the way, we both picked out what's in there" she mentioned.

He took out a similar shirt Spencer owned, the beige National football tee in his size.

He looked up at her with a huge smile before hugging her, "there's more in there" she laughed.

He looking in the bag and found a football keychain, Spencer showed him a spell in which it turned into a life sized ball.

He also received new comic books, and a picture her grandfather took of the three of them before he left back to London.

He stared at it, smiling at the memory.

"Thank you" he hugged Spencer.

"Thank you" he repeated as he hugged Sirius.

"Now, it's a custom to take a bite out of your cake so" Spencer spoke as Sirius brought the cake toward Harry.

"A bite!" his eyes widened.

Spencer laughed, "yeah, as much as you want" she nodded.

She lifted her camera wandlesly, it was ready to snap the moment.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now hurry, I want cake for breakfast" Sirius encouraged.

Harry chuckled and slowly brought his face up the the cake.

Spencer pushed his face in, frosting getting all over.

Although shocked, he laughed as he covered his face. Sirius laughed as well.

"It's also tradition that a loved one pushes your face in. Don't ask me why, it just is" she laughed.

With his thumb he ate a bit of the frosting, "yummy" he nodded.

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