149. Something that's supposed to happen

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A week had gone by since Mason and Spencer had spoken.

So it was a great surprise when she found him staring at her at the farmers market.

They were in the flower section, several feet away from one another.

He had four bouquets in hand, Spencer stared at them as he got closer.

"Hi" he said softly.

She cleared her throat, "hey" she replied.

"These are for you" he looked down at them before handing them over.

"Oh" she took them.

"I was about to drive to your house when... this is going to sound weird but I smelled you" he chuckled. "All the way from the strawberry stand."

She chuckled.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted last week. And I'm sorry I haven't called or texted. I didn't know what to say" he shrugged.

"You texting me saying you needed space was fine" she swallowed. "But honestly I never thought I'd see you again" she admitted.

"I don't want that" he shook his head. "But we shouldn't talk about this here."

"Want to come over?"

He nodded, "I can meet you there."

"I walked here" she answered.

"You- you walked forty five minutes to come to a farmers market?"

She shrugged, "I had time."

"I parked my car over there" he pointed at the street across from them. "Can I help you with your bags?"

She nodded as she handed them off. They walked to his car in silence, once he started driving he asked what she bought.

"Andrew has been obsessed with melon lately, so I got that and grapes, oranges, strawberries, the usual. Oh and there was this lady selling homemade soap that smelled really good- it's for hair growth."

"Cool" he nodded.

"Did you get anything?"

"I just went to get you flowers" he shook his head.

"And why'd you get four exactly?" she chuckled.

"Well one isn't enough-"

"Of course" she nodded.

"And six seemed like too much."


"So I settled on four" he smiled.

She smiled as she turned to look out of her window.

He reached out and grabbed her hand, caressing it with his thumb as he continued to drive.

Spencer looked down at it before she smiled to herself.

When they arrived to her apartment Mason greeted the doorman as they walked by.

Their ride up the elevator and the walk to her door was quiet. When they got inside he followed her to the kitchen.

She put the flowers in respective vases.

"I uhm- I was a dick" he spoke.

She laughed as she nodded, "yeah" she shrugged. "But... if this isn't working for you there's a better way to tell me."

He shook his head, "this is working for me."

"So... why did it happen?"

He took a deep breath, "I want you to meet my family. And I want to meet yours. But I don't exactly know how committed you are yet and it's... I don't know what you want with me" he shrugged. "I lashed out and I said something mean and I'm sorry."

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