93. Gods, it.

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"You're kidding right" Spencer told George as they walked to class.

"There is a 95% chance."

"George... this isn't funny" she shook her head.

"I know" he nodded. "Which is why I'm the one telling you... not Fred."

He opened the door to the classroom.

"George I don't know if I can go out to the world-" she stopped walking as she took in the person sitting behind the desk, "by myself."

It was Remus.

Staring at what she believed was the lesson plan.

Seconds passed and he hadn't glanced up.

But she knew he knew she was there.

He'd probably heard them speak as they turned into the hallway.

"You won't be alone," George said, "Andrew is definitely graduating beside you."

"Broke the news, did you?" Fred walked up to them.

Spencer however couldn't take her eyes off Remus.

And he wouldn't dare look up at her.

"Spence?" George poked her.

Spencer looked up at George.

"This isn't funny" she walked to her desk.

"We're not joking, babe" Fred said.

"Fred- stop."

"Spencer-" George tried to speak.

Spencer took out her wand and cast a muffliato around them.

"Why didn't you ask for help?" she whispered. "Why didn't you ask me for help?"

"We'll be sure to ask next year" Fred smirked.

George smacked the back of his head.

"How do you know you won't graduate?"

Fred sighed as he sat down, "we had a meeting with McGonagall. Can we talk about something else?"

"What am I supposed to do without you two by my side?" she asked.

"We're not leaving you forever" Fred looked up at her. "Eventually we have to graduate" he joked.

"We're supposed to do it together" she sat in her chair and stared at the desk. "We were supposed to-"

"Save your gown, we'll retake photos together" Fred reached for her hand. "I'm sorry" he whispered.

Spencer shook her head, "what did Molly say?"

"She doesn't know" George said from his seat, grabbing her hand as well.

She nodded, "well at least Fred-"

Fred stood up angrily, snatching what someone was holding in their hand and punching them in the face.

Spencer canceled the muffliato, "Fred!" she ran toward him.

George held her back.

"Where did you get it" he held the collar of his shirt.

"It was just there- I swear!"

And a second after, it was everywhere.

On every desk and plastered on the walls.

The second part of the pictures people had never seen.

At least in some of these she was wearing lingerie.

She closed her eyes, this can't be happening again. Life is actively working against me.

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