132. February

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"Did he say what it was about?" Andrew asked, looking at her through the mirror.

He was curling her hair.

"No," she answered, looking back at him. "Dumbledore just wrote to show up, that it was important."

"Hmm" he curled her hair. "That's weird."

"I know, even Sev called me to remind me to go!"

"Maybe they want you to speak?"

"About what?" she rolled her eyes, "don't date your teachers, kids! They'll leave you as you confess your unconditional love."

He laughed, "I don't know, maybe it's about Harry?"

She shrugged, "Harry hasn't written back yet, maybe?"

"Something has to be wrong with that kid, that's just so unlike him."

He took the curler out of her hair.

"Well, whatever the reason, your hair looks absolutely fabulous!"

"Thank you" she smiled. "Want anything from hogsmeade?"

Andrew thought, "hmm, quills now that you're there?"

"You could use my pens, you know."

"They feel weird" he shook his head.

"Okay, okay," she put on her jacket. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful" he smiled.

She wore a black skirt with black tights underneath- as well as a red vest with a white dress shirt underneath.

"Thank you Belly" she thanked his elf for taking the curler away.

"Of course Cer! Anything for you."

"I'll see you in a bit."

She walked out of the apartment, it was a cold February afternoon.

She loved how the snow sticked here. At Hogwarts, it was probably all gone now.

She apparated to the front of the castle, walking straight to the headmasters office.

"Funny seeing you here" Severus greeted.

She gave him a weak smile, he could see right through it.

"Don't worry, everything is okay."

"Sure" she nodded. "It's not like I did something I shouldn't have back when I was a student" she shrugged.

They walked up the steps in silence, finding Dumbledore at his desk.

"Spencer! Please sit" he pointed to the chair opposite of him. "Tea?" he handed her a cup.

"Oh! Uhm- thanks" she smiled kindly, setting it down in front of her.

She feared she'd throw it up.

Dumbledore noticed her hesitancy.

"How are you?"

"I'm good" she nodded. "You?"

"Can't complain" he smiled. "Severus tells me you're working?"

"At a bakery" she nodded.

"How's that?"

She shrugged, "fun, boring, overall not horrible."

"Whatever happened to becoming a teachers assistant? Minerva was very disappointed to hear you left."

"Yeah, I know. I'll never live it down" she gave an awkward chuckle. "I just... I don't know- I'm- I wasn't in the right head space I guess."

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