20. Fond

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Remus sat up from the bed as he heard someone knocking on the front door. He turned to see Spencer, still sleeping, oblivious to the noise. He let them keep knocking at waited to see how long it would take Spencer to wake up.

A smile was brought to his face when two whole minutes passed and she still hadn't woken up.

"Love," he said as he placed kisses on her face, "go get the door" he added as he kissed her lips.

"No" she whispered as she kissed him back and turned her back to him.

"Spencer they won't stop... they've been at it for a minute" he said as he moves her body towards him. Spencer opened her eyes and looked at him, he was just above her and close to her face.

She smiled at him and moved her head upwards to kiss his cheek, "no" she replied as she placed her head back down. He looked at her and grinned, "Spen-"

"Alright I'm coming in then" they heard a voice yell.

Remus jumped out of the bed quickly and grabbed his wand. He pointed it at her door and shut it.

"Spencer I know you're in there!" the voice yelled.

"Leave me alone Fred" Spencer said as she sat up. Remus looked at her and nodded towards the door. Spencer looked at him and shook his head.

"Artemis!!" he yelled once more.

"Freddie I'm tired" she replied annoyingly.

"Artemis I'll knock this door off if you're not out here in 3 seconds" he insisted.

"No you won't" she argued.

Spencer could hear Fred stepping back, she turned to Remus who already had widened eyes.

"Stop! I'll go just stop- okay" she urged.

"I'm sorry- stay here" she whispered to him as she got out of bed. He nodded in reply.

Spencer walked out, opening the door big enough to only let her out.

"Fred I'm a bit busy" she said as she walked out of her room and towards her kitchen with his hand in hers.

Fred noticed her in her short shorts and an oversized shirt.

"Should I start checking Ravenclaws that aren't sleeping in their own room?" he asked jokingly.

"Seriously Fred what do you want" she said with a smile and an eye roll.

"Maybe a Hufflepuff? Gryffindor-"

"Fred sreriously" she said cutting him off.

"Ah Gryffindor then" he said with a grin.

"Why did I leave my bed Frederic" she asked annoyingly.

"You skipped dinner" he said while placing his hands on his hips.

"So? Not the first time-"

"You can't go back to skipping dinner" he replied cutting her off.

"Fred- I ate I'm fine you have nothing to worry about"

"Your "I'm fines" mean nothing to me anymore and you know that Spencer" he replied. Spencer rolled her eyes at him but before she could say anything he cut her off once more.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, or might I remind you why it means nothing-"

"Fred stop, I don't want to talk about that" she said while looking at her counter.

There were a few moments of silence until Fred spoke, "Listen- I understand why you're being like this. With what's going on with Melissa and- and especially Snape I understand okay but..." he stopped talking.

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