86. Healthy environment!

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"When will you be back?" Remus asked as they waited for her grandfather to pick her up.

"I don't know" she shrugged. "After dinner?"

He nodded. "And you're sure about going alone?"

"Yeah?" she looked up at him. "I don't know if I'm honest, but I'll be okay."

"Take a deep breath" he replied.

Spencer did so, smiling as she closed her eyes.

"Thanks" she whispered. "I'm kind of nervous."

"Have fun" he held her shoulders.

Her grandfather's car pulled up, Spencer nodded at Remus.

"I'll be here after" he added.

Spencer heard the car door shut, he was walking toward them.

"Must he come and say hello to you?" she rolled her eyes.

"He must, darling" he smiled. "Mr. Espinoza" Remus offered a handshake.

Spencer looked back at the burrow, holding in her sigh.

"Mr. Lupin" he took his hand. "Hija" he called out to her.

"Hi" she looked back at him with a smile. "Is he meeting us somewhere? Or are we just- what?" Spencer cut herself off as her grandfather stared at her, a questioning angry look on her face.

He didn't reply.

"Something on my face?" she asked Remus, he  faced her.

Remus' eyes widened, he looked back at her grandfather.

"We can explain-"

Her grandfathers fist met Remus' face.

"Apa!" she put herself in front of Remus. "What the hell!"

"Did he do that to you?" he said angrily.

"Do what!" she looked back at Remus.

Her grandfather grabbed her face, looking at her bruise.

She slapped him away.

"He didn't do that" she looked back at Remus. "Are you okay? I'm- I'm so sorry" she checked his face.

"M'fine" he said with an angry breath.

She faced her grandfather, angry as well.

"No me mientas" he crossed his arms.
(Don't lie to me)

"Why would I! You know him, he wouldn't lay a hand on me" she said exasperated, raising her arms. "I was dueling, with an- he's like a police officer. It was an accident" she shook her head.

"Professor? Are you okay?" Harry asked as he walked up to them. "What's going on?" he looked at Spencer.

Spencer closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in.

She let it out slowly.

"Harry can you get Remus an ice pack please?"

"Erm- sure" he looked at the three of them before leaving.

"You need to apologize" she told her grandfather.

"Spencer it's-"

"It is certainly not" she turned to face Remus.

"I would have done the same thing, I did do the same thing" he replied.

"What are you-"

"Remember?" he asked, not wanting to give too many details.

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