60. A day

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That's all Spencer could feel.

She didn't know where she was, or how she got there.

"I'm cold" she said out loud.

"The balcony door is open" Emily replied.

Balcony? she asked herself.

"Close it"

"I can't"

Spencer rolled her eyes before waving her hand and closing the door.

"Spencer not to, you know, burst your depressive bubble... but when was the last time this floor was cleaned?" Joshua asked

"Leave her be"

"It's just... she's laying on wood. Old, gross-"

Wood... I'm at the tree house, she figured.

"Bye Joshua" Spencer cut him off.

"I'm not leaving until Emily leaves" he answered.

"Then goodbye Emily" Spencer added.

"I'm not leaving" Emily said from the couch.

"Then shut up" she replied.

"At least she has a blanket on" Joshua murmured before sitting next to Emily.

Spencer grabbed her wand and placed a warming charm on herself.

"Yeah," Emily nodded, "at least she has a blanket on."

"What part of shut up do you not understand?" Spencer spoke.

"Sorry" Joshua apologized.

Emily frowned at the sight of her sister on the floor.

"Can you just move to the couch-"

"Shut. Up."

"Fine" Emily said annoyed.

While Spencer slept Remus ran back to her home.

He knew she was gone but needed to be where she was.

As he opened the door and looked at all the broken glass, he sighed.

With a flick of his wand the broken glass returned to its original place. Remus noticed the piece of paper on the table, he bit the inside of his lip as he read it.

He placed the note back down before he walked into her room, putting back clothes she didn't take.

Finally, he laid on her side of the bed, staring at the ceiling.

That's where he stayed.

As he thought about her, why she is who she is and what he did... he couldn't fathom what she is going through.

He wanted- needed to know where she was. He needed to apologize, needed to hug her, and tell her she'll be okay.

Will she?

Then an idea popped into his head, an idea that gave him an answer he wasn't sure he was ready for.

Emily tried to make Spencer eat, but she couldn't.

Not even what she packed for herself.

She compromised with Spencer, if she wouldn't eat, she should at least get off of the floor.

So, she did.

Spencer kept sleeping on the old couch that was there.

Saturday night Spencer ate some gummy bears and went back to sleep.

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