18. Veritaserum or Dare

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"Mmm" Spencer said as she slowly woke up to the feeling of lips on hers. She slowly opened her eyes and saw him, "good morning love" he said as he laid a kiss on her forehead and walked towards the stove.

"Hey" she said softly. "You didn't have to sleep on the couch- you could've slept with me" he said while pouring water in the kettle.

"If I did, you would've been in more pain than you already were" she said while rubbing her eyes. "Anyway, the couch was fine" she finished saying.

She sat up and watched him, how his body moved doing one of the most simple things in life. Him being shirtless didn't help, she stared at how perfect his body was molded, and how his hands held the kettle so softly.

Spencer lightly bit her lip as he reached towards the upward cupboard and took out tea, his faint v-line showing.

"You're staring" he said in a low whisper. She stood up and walk towards him... "you bet I am" she replied as she brought him in for a kiss.

She held his face the way he would hold hers, he placed his hand on her wrist and she quietly groaned.

She pulled away and he opened his eyes to her walking back to the couch. He followed her and kneeled down in front of her.

"Are you ok?" he questioned. "I'm fine love" she said as she caressed his cheek. "What happened here" he said as he eyed her wrist. Although it was lowering in color, you could still see red.

"Quidditch practice got a little out of hand, no need to worry" she said. "Never mind about me, how are you feeling" she said while bringing her eyes to him.

He sighed as he stood up and walked to the stove. "Good, great actually" he said while taking out mugs.

"Why do you feel the need to lie to me" she asked nonchalantly.

He placed the mugs on the counter but couldn't bear to look at her.

She sighed, standing up and walking behind him. She stared at his back, new scars showing. Ones that would go away in a couple of days and others that have been there for what seems forever.

Tears were brought to her eyes, but she didn't make any noise.

She placed her hand softly on his back and whispered "who did this to you Remus?" in a broken voice.

It took a couple of seconds, but he turned around and grabbed her hand, slowly placing it on his heart. "I'm here love, I'm fine" he replied.

With his other hand he wiped the tears off her face, she lightly laughed realizing she was crying. "Why don't you sit down, wait until the tea is ready yeah?" he asked while rubbing her cheek. She nodded in response.

He brought her a mug and sat down with her, enjoying the comfortable moments of silence.

"Professor Kula wants to speak to you" Spencer said while looking inside her mug.

"Oh?" he replied. "What about?" he finished saying.

"Not sure- she said to let you know she wanted to speak with you. She also said that she could never find you, it seems that I have been taking up all of your time" Spencer said while bringing her tea up to her lips.

After her last sentence Remus' mouth formed a smile- he took a sip of his tea and brought her chair closer to him with his foot.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" he said, she rolled her eyes at the comment as he brought her in for a kiss.

She placed her forehead on his, breathing him in. "Will you be in class today" she asked while not opening her eyes.

Remus shook his head in response, Spencer lightly sighed. "That's good- you should take time to recover" she said as she caressed his cheek.

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