1. Spencer

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Spencer Artemis Venus is a muggle-born witch. She was also a twin. Keyword was. Spencer enjoyed activities like reading classical muggle literature and muggle music. She didn't have a particular taste, she liked rock and classical as well as pop.

Most people at Hogwarts thought she was weird because she enjoyed such things. However, she didn't care what people said about her, because her closest friends didn't either.

Her close friend Andrew always wanted to be caught up with muggle culture and Melissa loved muggle literature like Shakespeare and Jane Austen.

Spencer was never ashamed of her ancestors, Emily wasn't either but she wouldn't say unless asked. It's not that she didn't love her family or her roots, she did, but it's not like muggles are very loved. Especially since the first war.

They, like many muggle-borns around the school, experienced many moments in which they questioned their place at Hogwarts. However, they never put their head down.

When she received her letter at the age of eleven, she didn't know what her journey would be like. Who would've thought magic was real. She wasn't scared though, because she wasn't going at it alone. Her twin sister Emily was alongside her every step of the way.

On their first day taking the train, she entered a compartment with two boys in it. Twins. Funny, Spencer thought, as she motioned her sister to sit alongside them.

"Well lookie here George, we found ourselves twins" the boy told his brother. "I'm Fred Weasley" he reached for a handshake.

"I'm Spencer and this is Emily" she took his hand. It was obvious who was the most outgoing of the two, but Emily felt at place with the twins.

For the first 4 years at Hogwarts, the sets of twins would always be up to no good. It wasn't any help that they were all placed in the same houses. They would always have months of detention but It wasn't boring, they would always serve it together.

Snape wasn't Spencer's biggest fan, their relationship was weird to say the least.

She got most of her detentions from him. It would be for the simplest things like being late to class or speaking up when no one knew the answer. Spencer never learned how to keep her mouth shut, so when Snape was taking something too far Spencer would always speak up. Something Snape never appreciated.

Yet when she was feeling down, he was... nice? He helped her when she needed it.

The Weasley's were very welcoming. They practically became family, inviting them for birthdays, holidays, and random dinners. Most summers the girls would go over for a couple of weeks or travel with them.

Things they would never experience with their muggle parents.

Spencer became close to Arthur, the father of the family. He always asked her questions about muggle life and what it was like for her as a child. She was always happy to answer him as he looked like a child admiring a chocolate fountain whenever she talked about muggle life. Spencer loved how caring Molly and Arthur were to her, especially after the funeral.

Emily was close to George, they even kissed once but nothing more happened. More could've if time has permitted them.

He was very sad at her funeral. He couldn't hold back the tears, he never got to say the three words. He was only 15 but he knew what he felt for her. He knew how deep his feelings were.

Spencer felt bad for him, having to look at the same person he loved but wasn't actually her. She wanted to pull away, he didn't deserve the pain her face brought her, but George made sure she wouldn't. They needed each other more than anything.

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