11. Busy

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"Remus. Don't walk away from me" she got up from the bed.

This made Remus stop in his tracks; however, he wouldn't dare turn around.

"If you want to act like nothing happened... fine, but you need to let me know if we can continue working together or not-"

"I don't... want to act like nothing happened" he said with his back to her.

"Well for someone who knows what they want you sure love giving mixed signals..."

He didn't then around.

"Is there something I should know regarding Professor Kula?" Spencer sat back down on the bed, looking at the back of his head.

God I love his hair, she thought to herself.

He turned around, "no... but we can't talk here."

"Well where?" she asked.

"My classroom... Saturday" he said. "We can prepare for the third year's class on Monday and... talk" he added.

She nodded.

He studied her for a few moments before he began walking away again.

"Oh and Remus?"

He turned around with a questioning look on his face.

"Stop avoiding me" she said while laying back down. "It sucks."

He threw her an awkward smile and left.


It was fall.

Spencer loved fall.

It reminded her of Halloween and a special someone.

She loved jumping on crunchy leaves and stealing Fred's knitted sweaters Molly gave him for Christmas.

Molly did gift Spencer her own but she liked that she got to wear the F.

"Spencer!" someone yelled behind her.

She turned around and saw Professor Kula running up to her.

Spencer gave her a light smile as she caught up.

"Here is a note from Professor Lupin, he asked me to hand it to you" Kula said as she handed Spencer the note.

"Thank you Professor" Spencer said with a fake smile as she grabbed the note and put it in her pocket.

She walked toward the girl's bathroom and found an empty stall. She grabbed the note out of her pocket and read at it.

Can't meet tonight, busy. Will reschedule. You should prepare for the third year's lesson on Monday on your own time -R.L

She couldn't believe he would do this.

Well, she could, but Spencer told him to stop avoiding her.

He seemed to have listened, apparently not.

This note wouldn't stop her from meeting him. She needed answers.

As he had said, she couldn't stand the silence either.


Spencer walked toward Snape's class with her books to her chest.

"Well... you look chipper for someone headed to a Saturday morning detention" Fred told Spencer while he walked up to her.

"Very much so" Spencer replied.

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