124. Girlhood

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I got a job! It's at a bakery. You remember Walter? He owns the store near where the Weasley's live- he also owns the bakery!

Gracie is relatively around my age (I think). There's Maxwell (her dad), Walter, and a girl I haven't met yet (she works the afternoon shift).

I hope you're doing well.

I love you,


"Cake decorating is kind of hard to learn so you'll be practicing on one's that don't sell" Gracie told her.

Spencer nodded, "makes sense."

"There are timers all over, you can find one literally on every surface," she laughed, "My dad does most of the heavy lifting so if you need help- he's the one to call. We're trying to hire more men but, you know" she shrugged.

"Yeah" she rolled her eyes. "No one is going to think less of them if they work in a bakery but whatever" she chuckled.

"I know- it's so stupid" Gracie laughed. "Here are the codes for the cashier, I memorized them I think in less then a month. But I just leave them off to the side."

She kneeled down, "gloves, hand sanitizer, tongs, basics" she showed her. "Aprons are hung over there."

Spencer noted.

"And yeah, pretty much it" she nodded. "Questions?"

"No" she shook her head.

"Cool" she nodded. "Today we'll be making a cupcake batch for this kids party" she walked toward the aprons and handed Spencer one.

They put them on.

Over the course of five hours, Spencer learned more about Gracie.

She studies at Cambridge and was Maxwell's oldest. She was 20, she guessed he was in his mid forties. She had a younger brother named Jim, he was 10.

She had two aunts and one uncle, from her understanding they come and go. She spends her breaks and summers here, her parents divorced when she was around 15.

Baking was something that they all did together, now they keep the legacy of her grandmother alive.


After a week had gone by, a woman came into the bakery and asked if she could hang up some papers.

She was a piano teacher.

"Kids?" Spencer asked.

"Anyone really" she shrugged.

"Can I take one?"

"Yeah, of course" she handed Spencer a paper.

"I've always wanted to learn how to play" she smiled.

"Oh it's super easy! I'll even give you a discount" she laughed.

"I'll call you" Spencer nodded.

As the woman left, Maxwell came out of the kitchen.

A look of confusion on his face.

"Piano lessons" Spencer showed him the paper.

Maxwell nodded, "maybe I'll put my youngest in here."

"Me and little Jim will be performing Mary had a little lamb."

Maxwell laughed, "I'll be sure to bring out the camera."

Gracie came out, "what's this about Mary had a little lamb?"

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