27. Maybe I want to be an Auror

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After their conversation about Christmas, Spencer decided to let Remus work for the day. As much as she wanted to be with him, he wouldn't let her.

"You don't even like Fred!"

"Oh don't say that... I think he's a very nice fellow" he replied.

"Well- you don't like when I'm with him!" She exclaimed.

"In that you're right darling" he replied with a smile.

"So why can't I stay with you" she argued.

"Spencer..." he sighed. "We're together all the time love" he laughed. "You should spend some time with your friends" he smiled.

"I don't want to spend time with my friends I want to spend time with you" she replied.

"You're so stubborn" he laughed. "I wonder what it must've been like for your parents" he added chuckling.

Spencer took a step back.

Remus looked up at her, his eyes widened once he realized.

"No- I meant- that's not what-" he stuttered. "I'm sorry" he said. "I didn't mean it like that I was just-"

"Acknowledging the fact that I'm difficult" she smiled.

"No I just- I know you don't talk about them and I- you're very determined to do things your way and you refuse to do anything else. I was just- thinking how you must've been like as a little kid" he rambled on.

He stopped himself from continuing on.

"Bad joke?" He asked.

"Yeah" she replied awkwardly.

"Sorry" Remus apologized.

Spencer shrugged, "You're right though...I was determined to fight for parents when I shouldn't have" she replied.

"Fighting for people is good... you'll live with regret if you don't try" he said while walking towards her. "The 'what if's' cloud your mind" he said as he ran his hand through the air.

"Being stubborn can be a good thing," he smiled as he held her hand in his, "when you fight for the right people" he added as he kissed her cheek.

"My parents weren't the right people?" She asked pulling away.

"No I mean- I just meant-"

"Kidding," she laughed as she lightly hit his chest, "just trying to rile you up" she chuckled.

"Don't do that" he awkwardly laughed.

"Why? I love it when you ramble" she laughed.

"I don't" he smiled, "especially when it makes you pull away" he sighed.

"I do," she said as she pulled him closer by his tie and kissed him, "and I don't think I can pull away from you... you're stuck with me" she smiled, he could feel it on his lips.

"Right well I better be off now" she said pulling her face off.

"Wait just one more-"

"Nuh-uh Professor," she said with a smirk on her face, "I fought for you and you let me go" she shrugged.

She sighed, "I guess you weren't the right person" she said in fake tears.

"Oh c'mon" he laughed.

"No I understand... we weren't meant to be" she said as she wiped a fake tear from her face.

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