4. First day of class

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Spencer woke up as the sun harshly hit her face. She was used to waking up early but not this early. Melissa wasn't even awake yet, no one was. It was too early for anyone to sanely decide to wake up. She sat up in her bed and stretched, putting her hair up and then back down. She could never control her hair. In her opinion, it was always a mess.

She got up from her bed and decided to change. She put on some joggers and a queen shirt. She didn't need to put on her robes for breakfast, unless she was planning on running late to class. She liked having a room to herself, she guessed one of the perks of being a teacher's assistant. She knew soon enough the twins, Melissa and Andrew would soon make her room their home.

With nothing to do, she decided to draw. She was bored out of her mind, to say the least. Hogwarts didn't allow muggle things in the castle. No tv's or cellphones. Unless she wanted to learn a complicated spell. 

It's not like she would text anyone anyway, everyone she cared about was at Hogwarts. However, she managed to sneak in an MP3 player and a small tablet. She had bought a small box that could transmit wifi. She loved how whenever she showed the twins something they would lose their mind. Who knew television shows would shock someone so much.

She decided to go down to the great hall and have breakfast. No one was there except for a couple of teachers. Since she knew she was going to be there by herself she brought a book with her. 

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. One of her favorite muggle classics. She would be lying if she said this her first time reading it. While entranced in her book, someone sat in front of her. She couldn't tell as her face was looking straight down.

So how did she know someone sat down? She smelled him. She smiled and looked up.

"Good morning professor, how long have you been here?" she asked. 

"Oh just a bit, you looked focused so I didn't want to bother you" he said. "Good book" he said smiling while taking a bite of his toast. Some crumbs got on his shirt and smiled. 

"You got a little" she said as she pointed to her shirt and acted as if it was on hers. 

He followed her movements. 

"So, why aren't you at the teachers' table? not cool enough?" she said laughingly.

"I'm cool" he said with a semi-serious tone. "I actually wanted to talk to you."

She nodded as she put her book down. "So you'll be in some of my classes with younger kids but not all the time. Maybe some hours after class but mostly McGonagall just wants you to observe and grade, see how the job is."

"Sure, but you'll let my teachers know when I'll be missing their class for yours correct?" she asked. 

"Yes, nothing to worry about."

She drank her apple juice and nodded. 

"Meet me in my office at five? we can talk some more. I don't want to bore you all morning."

She laughed at his comment, "you're not boring me."

He smiled back at her, "So have you looked over your schedule for today?" he asked. 

He was interested in what her day would look like. 

"Yeah, not very excited about my first class" she said.

"Why?" he asked.

"I have potions with Snape, not only is it bad because it's my first class. It's worse because it's with him. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to make him like me. Not that anyone is particularly fond about him either" quickly after she realized what she had said, she apologized immediately.

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