133. Video killed radio?

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"Hello?" Spencer answered her phone, trying to wake up.

She looked outside, the sun wasn't out.

Who was calling her?


"Harry?" she sat up. She looked at the caller- Sev.

She heard him sniffle.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"He's dead. I found him."

"What? Who's dead?"

"Barty Crouch Sr- he was one of the judges" he answered. "Someone killed him out in the woods."

"Where are you?" she asked.

"Can I come sleep over?" he cried. "Please."

She looked around her room, unsure of what to say.

She heard some scuffling over the phone, "Harry?"

The call dropped.

She called Severus back, he didn't answer.

Spencer got out of bed, as she put on her shoes the doorbell rang.

Before her stood Severus and a traumatized Harry staring at the floor.

"Two" Severus mouthed, meaning Harry could stay two days.

"Three" she mouthed back.

He rolled his eyes before leaving.

"Come in Harry" she opened the door further.

He went inside.

She took his hand and led him to her room.

"Let me get some of Andrew's pijama pants, I'll be back. Okay?"

He nodded.

Spencer went to Andrew's room, quietly looking through his dresser.

"Thief" Andrew muttered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"What happened?"

"Harry's here."

"Here?" he yawned. "What do you mean here?" he sat up, turning the lamp on his nightstand on.

"Someone died, he found the body" she sniffled.

"Wait- what?"

"He's in this tournament and... I- I don't know what to do" she cried.

"Hey" he went up to her. "It's okay, we'll get through this."

She nodded.

"Who died?"

"Barty Crouch" she shrugged. "He was a judge for the tournament."

"Here" Andrew picked up a nice pair of pijama pants. "Give these to him, I'll make tea."

"No, don't worry" she shook her head.

"I want to" he said.

She gave him a soft smile.

"I don't know how to fix this" she admitted. "I don't know what to say" she whispered.

"I think he just wants to be with you" he nodded.

She nodded back, "okay."

"I'll be in soon, okay?"

"Yeah" she took the pair of pants and went back to her room.

"Here" she handed them to him. "I'll get an oversized shirt from my closet, okay?"

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