74. Figure it out... please

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"She's back today" Harry said as he stood before Spencer, she sat outside reviewing essays since Remus was away.

"Yes, I know" she didn't look up at him.

He sat down, looking at the scenery.

"God, who taught Ron how to write" she shook her head, marking his essay.

"Hermione didn't look it over" he replied.

Spencer looked up, "your essay seemed fine."

"I pay attention" he shrugged.

"What's going on with you guys?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You're ignoring Hermione" she put Ron's essay down.

"What? No I'm not" he shook his head.

"When was the last time you talked to her, actually talked to her?"

Harry stared at Spencer, his eyes became wider by the second.

"Is it about the whole rat thing?"

"He should take care of his own animal... I don't care about his rat" he looked at the floor.

"Seems like it" she replied.

"I don't."

"Harry I'm not punishing you- relax" her eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm sorry- I just- realized I'm a shit friend" he shook his head.

"You're not a shit friend, you're a kid" she smiled.

"You think she's mad at me?"

"No" she shook her head. "No one can stay mad at that pretty face" Spencer grabbed his face with her hand, squishing his cheeks.

"Alright alright" he chuckled, taking his face away.

Harry pulled two sandwiches from his pocket, handing one over.

"Thanks" she smiled, taking it.

"Will you be in class today?"

She shook her head, "not yours- Professor Lupin is out and you know what that means" she took a bite.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, I think he just had some personal stuff to do. I didn't ask" she shrugged.

Harry nodded, "you talked to him right... about me?"

Spencer looked up at him slowly, "maybe?"

"He told me more about my dad" he replied. "Thanks."

"Don't worry about it kiddo" she ruffled his hair.

Harry smiled, taking his head away from her reach.

"Can I tell you about him?" he asked.

"Always" she smiled.

"He'd steal Professor Lupin's ties because he'd always lose his own" Harry smiled. "He had a huge head of hair and my mom would hex it thick when he was acting stupid" he chuckled, Spencer laughed.

"He was kind, he'd show first years around the castle when they were lost- even before he was head boy" he smile faltered.

"They became friends, actually friends because my mom despised him," he chuckled, "around their 5th year maybe 6th Professor Lupin wasn't clear on it but in 7th year they were head boy and girl which was inevitably what put them together."

Spencer softly nodded.

"They didn't get a lot of time together" he bit his sandwich.

"I'm sure they're together somewhere" Spencer got closer, kissing his cheek and hugging him.

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