26. Mirror of Erised

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"Wakey wakey" Spencer whispered at the boys beside her.

"Shh" George said as he flipped so his back was facing her.

"Freeeeeed" she said playfully

"Artemis I love you... but it's a Saturday and the sun isn't out" Fred groaned.

"You guys are no fun" she said as she rolled out of bed.

"Where are you going?" he asked annoyingly.

"Run" she said while changing.

"Now?" he asked.

"Well yes... got to start the day off good" she replied.

"It's snowing" Fred said as he pointed to the window.

"So?" Spencer questioned.

"I'll go with you-" Fred tried to say while getting up.

"No" she said while looking up at him. He was shocked.

"I mean- you're tired and I don't want you to look out for me just because of what happened" Spencer shrugged.

"Merlin you two don't shut up" George argued while putting a pillow over his face.

"Spencer I can-" Fred tried to whisper.

"Seriously Fred I do this every day, don't worry about me"

"Spencer" Fred said sternly.

"Freddie" she replied playfully.

"I'll be back before you know it" she said while kissing his cheek.

She walked over to George and whispered sorry before kissing him as well and leaving her house.


"Hello?" she whispered as she walked into the whomping willow.

"Well Hello Spencer," Sirius said sternly, "long time no see huh?" he said while watching her come in.

"Yeah I- it hasn't been the best week for me" she shrugged.

"Oh I'm- sorry I thought-"

She shook her head. "Your joke wasn't why I didn't come... don't worry" she gave a quick smile.

"What uhm-" Sirius said as he cleared his throat, "What happened?" he asked as she sat down on the couch next to him.

"I'm okay" she said while looking around.

He looked at her, he just looked at her for a few seconds before saying anything.

"That's not what I asked" he replied.

She turned to look at him and smiled.

"Don't do that" he said rolling his eyes.

"I'm not doing anything" Spencer commented.

"How many times have you smiled and said that you're fine?" he asked. "How many times will you have to do it until you breakdown" he finished saying while getting up.

"I didn't come here for a therapy session Sirius-"

"Yeah well you need it!" he yelled.

"Hey! What the hell" she yelled back.

"Sorry- I'm... sorry," he said trying to calm himself down, "I've just been on edge recently."

"Yeah well you don't need to take it out on me, I can do that myself thanks" she argued with an eye roll.

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