112. It's not time to go

392 23 4

Spencer knocked three times on the door.

"Can I help you?" the woman asked, she assumed it was Mrs. Dursley.

"Good morning ma'am, I'm here for Mr. Potter" she raised her fake glasses higher.

"And you are?"

"I'm Rachel Longview ma'am," Spencer reached over to shake her hand, "I'm with the Hogwarts summer school program. Mr. Potter needs more discipline, his behavior at Hogwarts is abysmal. Subsequently he got enrolled in extra courses this summer, the date of his return will depend on his behavior."

"Well I am glad you people are taking action in this" she shook her head. "That boy does not show any type or respect to his elders."

Spencer nodded, "I'll wait out here until he's done packing."

Mrs. Dursley shut the door, "Harry pack your bags!" she yelled.

After a few minutes Harry came out, surprised to see Spencer but weirded out by her new look.

She has changed the color of her hair, made it straight, added a few moles to her face, and made her nose bigger.

"Thank you Ms. Longview" she said before shutting the door.

"Ms. Longview" Harry repeated.

"You've been a bad boy Mr. Potter" Spencer stared to walk to the end of the street.

"Where are we going?" he followed her.

"The airport" she answered, getting rid of the modifications she made on herself.

"The Airport? I don't have my passport, Spence!"

Spencer took a booklet out of her pocket and handed it to him.

"How did you get this?" he chuckled, admiring the passport.

She turned his luggage into a book bag and placed a feather light charm on it.

"Hold on to my arm" Spencer said.

Harry quickly reached out, she apparated to the airport.

"Why aren't we using a portkey?"

"Muggle transportation is easier," she shrugged, "plus they don't know you there."

"Makes sense" he nodded as he followed her.

She walked to a stand that read United Airlines, Harry tried to look at everything around him as it was his first time in an airport.

"Hi, we're here for a flight to Mexico City" Spencer told the worker.

"Can I have your forms of identification" he replied.

Spencer handed her passport, Harry did as well.

He asked their relation, noting the difference in last names.

"He's my brother" Spencer answered.

"My parents died" Harry added.

The officers eyes widened before he printed out their boarding pass and told them where the security checkpoint could be found.

"I can't believe Mrs. Dursley actually let me come with you" he said excitedly.

"Confundus charm" she winked.

"What about our wands?" he said worried.

"I put a notice-me-not, Harry, don't worry" she chuckled.

Once they passed the metal detectors they walked to their gate.

"I'm so excited!" he jumped.

Spencer laughed, "me too."

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