70. What did you just say?

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George and Spencer walked back to the castle, laughing at meaningless things.

She'd let George smoke most of the joint, it looked like he needed it anyway.

"Where did you guys go?" Fred asked, walking up to them.

"Oh- you know" George waved to his right.

"Yeah" Spencer giggled. "You know."

"You asshole" Fred shoved George playfully. "You told me you were skipping today."

"I was- am. I am" he laughed. "I'm going back to bed- relax."

"You could've invited me" Fred looked at Spence.

"I didn't set out to go smoke- just thought of it" she shrugged, smiling.

"I'll see you later" George kissed her head before leaving.

"Bye" she smiled.

It quickly turned into a frown as she saw Melissa staring at them.

"I should go talk to her right?" she asked Fred.

"No, she's a bitch and we hate her" he answered.

"Fred" she sighed, intertwining her fingers with his.

"Artemis..." he replied.

"She loves us."

"Loved. Do you remember what she would've said to Andrew? A couple of weeks of freezing her out and this is where she ends up?" he held her hands tightly.

She sighed, "we'll I'm going to speak with her," she kissed his cheek, "you're welcome to come with" she said into his ear.

"You won't trick me woman."

"Fine, fine" she smiled.

"Spencer are you sure you want to do this? You're currently on drugs" he spoke.

"Which is exactly why I should do this" she replied. "Plus I'm not totally buzzed, just a little. I can walk in a straight line for you officer."

Fred didn't laugh, "I'm watching you and then I'll walk you to class, understood?"

"Yes sir" Spencer chuckled before making her was too Melissa.

"Hey" Spencer said as Melissa acted like she didn't notice she was walking toward her.

Melissa looked up at her, looked back to Fred, then back at Spencer.

"You shouldn't string them along, you know. Not very lady like" she replied.

"String who along" Spencer gripped her books to her chest.

"George and Fred" she rolled her eyes.

"How's Jack?" Spencer asked.

"Great, he's very fun" she smiled. "Don't know what he ever saw in you."

"I'm glad" Spencer smiled back. "Was he worth loosing your friends?"

"You weren't really my friends, he showed me that" she went back to her magazine.

Spencer nodded slowly.

"Okay" she continued nodding. "Cool."

"Why are you still here?"

"Well I thought you'd seen the error of your ways, I was going to give you an out. "We all make mistakes, I don't want us to lose our friendship" that type of speech, but apparently you're living a happy life and don't need us" she spoke.

"You're right, I am happy and don't need you. I'd be happier if you stopped sending pictures to my boyfriend, I'm sure Fred- or is it George now? either way they wouldn't be pleased to hear. Never thought I'd see the day where your mother would be right, you are a whore" she looked up at her.

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