79. Don't promise

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Remus cooked their breakfast as Spencer continued sleeping.

The phrase "to tell you" weighing heavy on his mind.

to tell you.

to tell you.

to tell you.

He's known for a while.

Yet speaking the words... well he found that to be troublesome.

Remus recalled the numerous amount of times he'd want to blurt out the words-

"Hey," Spencer whispered as she kissed his back, "morning" she added as her arms wrapped around him.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, placing his arms on hers.

"Good, thank you for shoving the hangover potion down my throat" she chuckled as he turned around.

"I'm sorry I woke you" he smiled.

She shook her head, "you're making breakfast" she smiled. "Thank you" she kissed his cheek.

"What are boyfriends known for" he shrugged, kissing her head.

"What's on your mind?" she asked as she jumped on the counter, grabbing a strawberry and taking a bite out of it. "I said your name like three times."

"Your birthday" he settled on.

"Ugh- don't" she shook her head. "We are to have a boring day in your cabin" she smiled.

"Cottage" he corrected with a smile.

"Same difference" she replied.

"No love, cottages are homes typically around a body of water, while cabins are wooden structures tucked away in the woods" he took a bite from her strawberry.

"Is your cottage in the woods?"

"...well yes but-"

"Like I said, same difference" she finished her strawberry. "Returning to my point-"

"That I know more than you?" he smirked.

"Ha ha" she rolled her eyes.

"But yes your point being that we're going to have a good time celebrating your birthday" he smiled. "A very good time" he kissed her.

"Yeah?" she said between breaths.

"Oh, yes" he replied, his hand on her waist.

After a few minutes, Spencer pulled back.

"Something is burning" she said wide eyed, turning to face the stove.

"Shit!" Remus exclaimed, turning the stove off and looking at the food.

"Well there goes breakfast" Spencer chuckled.

"This is your fault you know" he laughed, throwing away the burnt food.

"Oh sure, I'm at fault" she shook her head, smiling.

"Yes you are, you and those beautiful lips of yours" he shook his head.

Spencer blushed as he walked back to her.

"Whatever will we do now?" he asked.

"Well I don't know about you, Professor, but I have two boys in my bed and a night I need to remember" she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You had fun, that's all that matters" he smiled.

Spencer smiled back, "I love your smile" she said. "You get a little dimple right here," she touched it, "very small- you'd only find it if you're looking closely."

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