71. It was her

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"Damn" Sirius replied.

Spencer chuckled, "yes," she nodded. "Damn indeed."

"How's her face?"

"Worse than mine."

"But there's nothing on your face."

"Exactly" she smiled.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm not," she looked up at him, "he is."

Sirius' eyebrows waggled.

"Not like that you perv" she laughed.

"I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to, I can hear your thoughts" she smiled.

Sirius stood up, handing Spencer the rest of his granola bar.

"I'm okay" she shook her head.

"Take it V."

Spencer rolled her eyes before taking it, "I never should've told you that."

"Tell me about your house" he sat down beside her.

"I haven't been" she bit the granola bar.

"He didn't tell you what it looked like?"

"I've loved balconies ever since I was a kid, so it probably has one" she shrugged. "I'll call and ask" she smiled softly.

"We should go" he replied.

Spencer chuckled, "right because you're a man that can go on vacation."

"I mean it, we should go. Not now, obviously" he rolled his eyes.

"Fine" she nodded. "We'll go to Mexico" she chuckled.


"Yeah" she chuckled, turning around. "Didn't I tell you?"


"Well where did you think it was? What did you think when I said vacation?"

"Not Mexico" he chuckled.

"You know I'm Mexican... right?"

"Well I do now" he shrugged.

"What'd you think I was?"

"Just tan" he chuckled, Spencer did the same. "So do we wanna talk about the boyfriend?"

"It's going well," she blushed, "very well" she nodded. "He's very understanding."

"With Melissa?"

"With everything" she shook her head.

"You haven't told me everything, I'm hurt" he placed his hand on his chest.

Spencer chuckled before shrugging.

"Don't wanna talk about it?"

"Harry says I'll live, so I'll live" she shrugged again. "Anyway, I'm sure there are things you don't want people to find out."

"Plenty" he sighed.

"You'll live Pads" she placed her hand on his knee, assuring him.

"I fear I won't."

"There's a part of my brain that thinks everything will go to shit. That I'll be all alone and nothing will ever work out the way I want it to."

"But?" he asked.

"Nothing... that's just a part of my brain," she shrugged, "don't let it spread" she smiled.

"I'll live" he nodded.

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