118. Venus v. Addison

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Harry, I hate Paris.

Paris and their stupid love locks and romantic boat rides.

Andrew, for whatever reason, loves it.

Anyway, I hope you had fun at the cup. How was it?

I miss you.

Love you always,


"You could at least pretend to be happy" Andrew chuckled.

With her index fingers, Spencer forced a smile on her face.

Andrew laughed out loud, causing people to look at him. "You're hilarious" his hand touched his chest.

"Get your baguette so we can go" she rolled her eyes.

He ordered his bread and they left the bakery.

"I've rented a helicopter tonight" he spoke out of the nowhere.

"You know that's not normal, right?"

"Oh my god Andrew that sounds like so much fun! I know right, I'm pretty excited."

"Do you even know how to fly a helicopter?"

"No, I also rented the person who knows how to fly it."

"Hired, Andrew. You hired someone" she chuckled.

"Same difference" they walked to an apparition point.

They landed in front of his manor and walked to the front door.

"Belly" he called.

His house elf appeared.

"Yes Master Sandoval" she spoke.

"Remind me to look into babysitters for Spencer" he said seriously.

Belly nodded.


"I'm kidding Bells, don't" he laughed.

The elf chuckled, "but who will take care of poor Cer" she joked.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up" she went further into the house.

Spencer sorted through the mail, finding a letter from the ministry that reminded her of the trial date in five days.

Andrew walked in and found her looking at it intently.

"We could go and come back" he spoke.

She gave him a soft smile.

"Or go somewhere else" he shrugged, "we have a manor in Australia and another in Italy. Or I could buy a new one."

Spencer laughed, "God, what it must be like to be rich."

"I could buy you one" he offered.

She laughed even louder, "thanks Andrew but I prefer my manors passed down."

"I can change the will if that's what you want."

"Sometimes I don't know when you're joking, it's worrisome."

"I know, that's the best thing about me" he said before making himself a sandwich. "I don't know though, these last few weeks have made me realize... a manor is too big for me."

"Is it?"

"Yeah, I don't know. I think I need something smaller. I certainly don't need two ballrooms or a basement wine cellar" he shrugged.

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