6. First Hogsmeade Trip

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After dinner, Spencer went to the library with Hermione to do homework.

They usually did that.

For Hermione, the reasoning was that Harry and Ron would always get distracted by each other and never accomplish anything.

For Spencer, it was the same reason but her Harry and Ron were the twins + Andrew and Melissa.

So basically everyone she knew.

Once Spencer finished she leaned back on her chair and motioned her arms behind her. She always stretched after finishing her homework. This time she met her hands with someone's face.

"Sorry I- " she said as she got up to apologize but quickly stopped once she realized who she hit in the face.

Jack Williams.

To say they have history... was the understatement of the century.

Jack and Spencer dated for a while. In the beginning, he was the picture perfect boyfriend.

Sweet, kind, and respectful.

She always wondered why the sorting hat put him in Slytherin... but the sorting hat is never wrong.

He got stuck up on the 'pure-blood' ideals. That's when he began being manipulative with her.

She tried to explain how while he was preaching those ideals... well, it made her look stupid. A muggle-born dating a pure-blood who believes in pure-blood supremacy made her look more than stupid.

She looked like an idiot.

They argued and argued but still stayed together.

Until finally she finally got fed up and broke up with him.

She didn't deserve to be treated less than by anyone, let alone him.

But when she broke up with him, Jack didn't take it lightly.

"Let me remind you who you're talking to" said Jack.

They were just outside the castle, some students were around. Some talking with their friends or studying.

"I'm well aware on who I'm talking to. We're done Jack, deal with it."

She tried to walk away when suddenly she felt a pressure on her wrist.

This wasn't new, he was always... touchy.

Melissa always told her he deserved better but Spencer always thought he was better.

She didn't know why it took forever to realize, that he was just a boy.

"Jack, we're in public. Don't do this" Spencer told Jack as she was trying to gain back power of her wrist.

"I'll do this and more. You're mine" he said.

"You're a stupid hypocrite. You're a pure-blood and want to stay with a muggle-born?" she groaned while pulling her wrist back.

"Let go" she yanked her arm back.

He let go, he raised his hand after and smacked her across the face.

She fell to the ground and suddenly it was quiet.

No one was talking anymore, just looking.

Spencer reached her hand and put it on top of where he smacked her to ease the pain.

He stood over her and said "mudblood."

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