53. *It's kinda... weird looking

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"But then I'd celebrate Christmas with James' family so we stopped putting it up" Remus spoke as he made breakfast.

Spencer nodded. "Did your family put up a tree?" he asked.

"For a bit" she nodded. "Then Emily died and I stopped spending Christmas with them" she added.

Remus nodded, "but you missed one with the Weasley's?" he asked.

"Yeah" she hopped off the counter.

"You weren't with your parents?"

"No" she shook her head, grabbing a water bottle. "Did you want to put up a tree here?" she asked.

"It's not Christmas anymore," he chuckled, "where were you then?"

"It doesn't matter if it's not Christmas" she pointed out.

"We don't have the money to buy a tree or the ornaments" he shook his head.

"I don't care about money Remus," she smiled. "We can paint one on a canvas" she replied as she walked toward the doorway in between the kitchen and the living room.

She turned on the record player, Remus smiling as "Amore mío auitami" played.

Remus lowered the flame before walking toward her.

He smiled before placing one hand on her hip, the other one holding her hand.

"It can be a new tradition" she said, resting her head on the side of his.

"Can us dancing in the kitchen be another?"

"Of course" she smiled, Remus twirled her.

"Pintamos después del desayuno?" She asked.

"Something paint" he replied.

"Do you want to paint after breakfast" Spencer smiled, playing with his hair.

Remus kissed her head before nodding. "Lets eat before the eggs burn" he chuckled.

Spencer brought him the plates before pouring apple juice for them.

"Vamos a comer en la mesa" Spencer said.
(We're going to eat at the table)

"Do you think that by just telling me random phrases I'll learn?" Remus chuckled.

"Sí" she smiled. "Kidding. But you'll associate things with what I'm saying so some are bound to stick" she sat down.

"No" he replied.

"Spanish no or English no?"

"Spanish" he chuckled before placing the plates on the floor and sitting.

"I think it's better if you first learn conversational Spanish than- woah... why do you have them over easy and mine are scrambled?" she said looking at his plate.

"I- I didn't know if you'd like them" he shrugged.

Spencer grabbed her fork and stabbed the yolk, it slowly covered the whole egg.

"What the hell Spencer-"

"Who doesn't like over easy eggs-" she shook her head.

"You've ruined my breakfast"

"Desayuno" she rolled her eyes, stabbing her eggs and eating them.

"You've ruined my desayuno" he replied.


Remus smirked before pulling her chair to the side and then closer to him with his foot.

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