152. We can hide in your room

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"Hey" Remus walked into the living room.

"Hi" she answered from the couch, not looking up from her book.

"Are you going to the drop-off next week?"

"Of course" she nodded, still not looking at him.


"Good?" she looked up.

"Yeah" he gave her a sheepish smile. "Good."

"Why is it good?"

"I'd like to see you outside of these four walls" he shrugged.

"Mason met the Weasley's" she said out of nowhere.

He stood straighter, shocked at her words. After a moment he spoke, "so have I."

"Not as my-" she cut herself off. "You're family."

"To them, not to you."

"We shouldn't see-"

"I'd like to."

"... I don't want to fight" she closed her book and set it on the table.

"We're not fighting."

She released a deep breath, "we're going to" she stared at him. "It's what happens."

"It doesn't need to be this way."

"What if I want it to be this way?"

He swallowed.

"What if I don't want to be friends? What if I don't want to see you? What if I don't want to know you?" she added.

"Are you being honest? Or are you trying to be the least hurt person in this room?"

"I can't love you anymore" she stood up.

"Can't or won't?" he got closer.

She sighed, "what do you want from me Remus?"

His hand twitched. She used his name.

"Honestly, what do you want? Do you just want to fuck me or-"

"No!" he exclaimed.

"Then what!" she raised her arms.

He shook his head softly, "is it really that hard to believe that I miss you? That I miss the way you held my hand? That I miss the way the pillow next to mine used to smell like you?"

She stared at him for a moment, thinking about her honest answer.

"Yes" she replied.

A heavy silence fell between them, each lost in their own thoughts.

The weight of unspoken words and unresolved feelings hung in the air.

"I miss your laugh. I miss your socks on the floor. I miss your books. I miss your conditioner that I secretly used-"

"You called me crazy for thinking someone was breaking in and using it!"

"It made my hair soft" he chuckled, she laughed.

And for a brief moment, they both saw a spark of what they had before.

He smiled, she frowned.

"Tell me how to fix this" he whispered. "I'll do anything- just tell me."

She shook her head, "it doesn't-"

"Hey" Sirius spoke as he came into the living room. "What are you two doing alone? Smooching?" he smirked.

Spencer rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I guess it's true what Jeff Buckley says... it's never over" he sang.

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