40. I think it's sad

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"Hey Arthur?" Spencer said walking to the kitchen.

"Yes dear" he replied.

"I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back before dinner" she said putting on Remus' pullover.

He nodded in response. "Wait- actually I wanted to ask you something" he said following her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"How do you say Family again? In Spanish"

"Familia" she nodded, taking her hair out of the pullover.

"Thanks" he kissed her cheek.

Spencer walked to the village, waving over a taxi to take her to London.

She stared out the window during the whole ride. Once she arrived, she walked into the hotel and got in the elevator.

"Floor?" someone asked.

"8 please" she responded.

After getting off she stood in front of the room. She looked at the door a few seconds before knocking lightly.

She could hear shuffling inside.

"Marte" they smiled.

"Hey grandpa" she replied awkwardly.

"Come in" he moved out of the way.

"Thanks" she said softly before walking in.

"Have you talked with your parents?" he asked closing the door.

Spencer chuckled, "you invited me here to talk about them?" she asked.

"I'm trying to be... como se dice?" he motioned his hands, "polite" he nodded.
(How do you say?")

"Mm" she nodded sitting down. "Well, I haven't really talked with them since Em... so" she smiled.

"So where are they?" he asked, sitting in front of her.

"Mexico I think. Spain maybe? I don't know. They mentioned those places but they didn't give dates" she replied before rolling her eyes.

"You didn't want to go?" he asked.

"Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que me has visto" she answered.
(It's been a long time since you've seen me)

"Yes" he nodded sadly. "But I'm here now-"

"Not good enough" she shook her head. "I needed you" she got up and stared out of the window.

"Your mother-"

"Fuck my mother" she turned around. "I needed you, and you left" she pointed at him. "You don't understand how hard it-"

"Y me arrepiento mucho" he said softly. "I thought I was doing the right thing" he added.
(And I regret it a lot)

Spencer looked at him, exhaling as the words left his mouth.

"Well... nothing we can do about it now" she sat back down.

"Your mother mentioned you're in your last year?" he asked, pouring water in a cup.

"At least she knows" she replied.

"You're her daughter" he sighed.

"No. Her daughter died that summer. I am just a constant reminder of-"

"If you are right it doesn't matter, you are still my granddaughter" he said before taking a sip. "I'm sorry... I didn't ask you to come here to remind you how hard your life is" he apologized.

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