87. Why does it rain?

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Arthur took his hands off Spencer's eyes, showing her what they got.

"Oh my god" she chuckled, taking it all in. "This is- amazing" she smiled. "Thank you" she hugged him.

"Hey! I picked the bed" Fred pointed out.

"Fred, Nox sleeps with me," she laughed, "but thank you it's very pretty."

They got her everything she needed for Nox at Hogwarts.

"I know you said no gifts, but technically these aren't for you" Arthur spoke.

"All about technicality, aren't you?" she smiled at him.

Remus picked up a toy, examining it.

It looked like a fishing pole, as he moved it they could hear a bell sound. He held the squiggly worm in his hand, examining the feathers.

Nox jumped on him.

"Ah!" Remus threw the toy. "Spencer this is not funny!" he looked up at her, trying to not laugh.

"I'm not the only one laughing" she laughed.

"It's your cat."

"It's our cat" she replied.

Remus looked up at her.

"Nox belongs to all of us" she placed her head over Arthur's shoulder, making it seem like it was her point all along.

"I am not cleaning up cat poop" Harry shook his head.

"Neither am I" Remus added.

"Then you don't get to cuddle with him on the couch" Spencer replied.

"Good by me" Remus said.

"No!" Harry exclaimed at the same time. "I mean," he cleared his throat, "fine I don't even like cats anyway" he shrugged.

Remus chuckled as he pet Harry's head, "this is why we're a team" he whispered as George and Fred said similar complaints to Spencer.

Harry laughed, nodding.

"Hey, you two better not be talking about me" Spencer told them.

"Never" Harry shook his head, smiling.

Spencer smiled back.

"Woah!" Remus said as Nox climbed him. "Off" he tried to push him to the floor, "hey!" he yelled as Nox scratched him.

"Spencer" he huffed.

"He wants to play with you" she smiled widely as she walked to them. "Come here Noxey."

"That sounds like a drug I would be willing to try" Fred smirked.

Molly smacked his head, "over my dead body."

Spencer laughed.

"Go play with your new toys Nox" she put him on his new play house.

Nox immediately jumped off and started playing with Remus' shoe laces.

Spencer put her fingers over her mouth, trying not to laugh out loud.

"Okay Harry, it's time" she said as she looked to the clock.

"Time for what?" Remus asked.

"Yoga" she replied.

"Pass" Fred yawned as he moved to sit in the couch.

"No one invited you" Spencer looked over at him.

Fred leaned his head back, beginning to snore.

Spencer grabbed a pillow an threw it at his face.

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