7. Space

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After their moment at the lake, Spencer walked to the Gryffindor common room to go visit Harry.

Before even getting to the door, there were multiple people standing around there.

She found Ron, Hermione and Harry.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Not sure, we just got here" answered Hermione

"Neville probably forgot the password again"replied Ron.

"Hey! I'm right here!" Neville exclaimed.

They all turned around and awkwardly smiled at him, then they looked back to the door.

While walking up the stairs, past everyone, Ron continued to talk to Harry about how they didn't get a chance to visit the shrieking shack.

"We all know you wouldn't step a foot in" Spencer replied laughingly.

She wouldn't dare to tell the 3rd years that she had actually been in there with the Twins.

They snuck in their 6th year while drunk and the twins swore it was actually haunted.

However, the whomping willow grew to like Spencer.

While usually violent to others, with her it was... calm.

She couldn't tell why but it was.

She and the twins were the only ones that knew about the entrance through the tree to the shack, but she knew the twins wouldn't dare to go in again.

Spencer would go hide there from time to time when she didn't want to deal with anyone or anything.

In her opinion, it wasn't haunted but had just been unused and uncleaned in so long.

It had potential.

"Like you would" questioned Ron.

"15 galleons and I just might kiddo" she replied smilingly.

Ginny walked up to them, 'The fat lady... she's gone."

"Well she was a terrible singer" Ron broke the silence.

"Not funny Ron" Hermione said as she hit his arm.

"Move everyone, the headmaster is coming through" someone said.

Dumbledore walked towards the painting examining its rip.

When they located the fat lady Dumbledore asked her what happened, everyone could see she was shaking.

She seemed terrified but no one really knew why.

"Who did this to you dear lady" he asked.

"It's him headmaster, it's him. The one they talk about. He's here, somewhere in the castle" she answered.

After a few moments she yelled his name "Sirius Black is in the castle."

Spencer was shocked at this, she put herself in front of the kids, like a shield as if he were in the vicinity.

"Secure the castle Mr. Filch... To the great hall, all of you!" Dumbledore yelled.


There were make shift beds where they would usually eat.

Everyone was supposed to be sleeping, Spencer didn't.

She imagined neither was Harry.

It had been hours since the professors said anything to them.

However, Spencer stayed awake for a purpose.

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