75. I can't- be mad

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Remus woke up to soft humming and a headache.


Firstly because he knew he was in his own room and secondly because Spencer does not wake up early.

The he realized the smell of eggs and cursed in his head.

He opened his eyes and saw Spencer cooking.

"You really-"

"Agh!" she said as he spoke.

"-shouldn't wake up early for me."

"Gods Remus warn a girl next time, yeah?" She chuckled, looking back at the stove.

"Spence" he sighed.

"No moody Remus today please" she smiled to herself. "You're stuck with me, plus I'm making breakfast."


"Don't worry I can help you clean up, plus I want to see what Harry got on his pop quiz."

"Spencer you should leave" he rubbed his eyes.

"Well you know how to show a girl she's appreciated" she laughed.

"I don't want you here Spencer."

Spencer looked up at the wall before turning around slowly.

"You're not joking are you?" she asked.

"I don't want to be around anyone" he sat up.

"I can-"

"God could you just- leave!" he yelled.

Spencer took a small step back, startled.

"How many times will I have to fucking ask you!"

She took a deep breath in before turning off the stove.

"Eggs with ham for breakfast" she grabbed her wand and walked to the door.

He sighed, "Spence-" he tried to say but she shut the door before he got a chance to continue.

He closed his eyes, trying to calm down.

However his anger overtook him and he grabbed the table, lifting it and throwing it down.

"Fuck" he placed his hand over his rib cage.

He sighed, running his hands over his face before deciding to take a shower.

As he did so, Spencer walked back to her room.

She stopped in the middle of the hallway as she realized Harry would be there, then she turned back around.

She grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote a note.

Harry's home. Make of that what you will.
- S

She went into his room and was shocked at finding the table broken.

Spencer stuck it to the door before leaving.

She walked back to her room and got back in bed with Harry.

"Where'd you go" he murmured half asleep.

"Bathroom" she whispered.

"Liar" he smiled.

"Shh" she smiled back, even though he still had his eyes closed.

"Pancakes?" he asked.

Spencer laughed, "fine" she sat up.

"I'll help don't worry" he opened his eyes slowly.

Spencer stared at how slowly Harry got up, yawning and stretching.

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