122. Don't mind him

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I hope you're well. I know how hard this time of the year is for you.

I'll always be here, you know.

I love you,

If I've done something wrong, please let me know.

I miss you. I'm sorry.


Spencer and Andrew smiled at the camera as it flashed, a picture of both of them in their costumes coming out.

"I look better" Andrew smirked.

"Shut up" she chuckled, putting her camera away.

"Belly, we'll be back later" he called out before shutting the door.

They walked to the elevator, she held a bowl and a bag of candy in hand as he held the other two bags.

They walked to a park, Spencer's eyes widened at the amount of people there.

"I thought this was going to be a small thing" she whispered.

"Do you realize how big the neighborhood is?" he laughed.

Andrew walked up to an older man, he told them where they'd be stationed.

They took the place of the people before them and put a bag of candy in the bowl.

Two kids walked up to her and handed her their tickets, Andrew handed them each a piece of candy before they walked into the haunted house.

"I can't believe there's a line for ours" she noted. "Anything you wanna say?"

"Yes," he looked at her, "looking good mama" he pointed at her with finger guns as he winked.

She chuckled, "you better hope no one asks questions."

"It's just a little projection" he shrugged.

"Just a little jump scare that'll give some teenagers a heart attack" she nodded.

"Exactly, no harm no foul" he shrugged.

Someone tapped Spencer's shoulder, "hi."

"Oh! Hi" she turned around, shocked as to see who was behind her.

"Hi" he smiled. "You cut your hair" he noticed.

"Hi" Andrew spoke from beside her. "Andrew" he offered his hand.

"Mason" he shook his hand.

"And this little one is Eliza" Spencer got down to the little girls level. "How are you?"

"I'm excited! Daddy said we can go in a haunted house" she jumped up and down.

"That's so cool!" she chuckled.

"Not this one though, this one is for older kids" Andrew pointed to the haunted house behind him.

"I'm not a little girl! I'm six" she put her hands on her hips, staring at Andrew angrily.

"Yeah Andy, she's all grown up now" Spencer nodded. "Boys, am I right?" she shook her head, talking to Eliza. "How's frosty doing?"

"Good, his best friend is Wes, he's an elephant, and they like dressing up as princesses and hosting tea parties" she said excitedly, forgetting all about Andrew.

"I'm so happy for him" she smiled, then got up and looked at Mason.

"Where's what's his name? Rubeous?"

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