64. Dad

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Remus woke up to Spencer hugging his body, he sighed before kissing her head and standing.

He walked over to the mirror, staring at the scar James had given him.

He ran his hand over it, reminiscing about the time he found out what they did for him.

He sighed before he went to use the bathroom.

As he came back to Spencer sitting up on the bed, he realized it was midday.

"Good morning" he said as he dried his hands on his pants.

"Hi" she rubbed her eyes. "You can uhm, stay here until you need to leave" she said. "I'll be in the living room" she stretched.

"You don't need to leave" he shook his head.

"I need to get out of bed" she shrugged.

I just don't want to be with you right now, Remus assumed was the translation.

"Ok" he nodded.

Spencer sat up.

"Could you do something for me?" he asked as she yawned.

"What's up?"

"Take your shirt off" he said softly.



"I'm not going to willingly give you another reason-"

"Please" he stepped closer.

Spencer drew her eyes away from him.

Because she knew.

She knew she'd do anything for him.

She sighed before taking her shirt off, Remus got on his knees.

He drew his finger, just like Spencer, across her scars.

After a few minutes he noticed her eyes shut, as if his fingers burned.

"Thanks" he whispered.

"I'm meeting my father today, around dinner time," she nodded, "don't know when exactly I'll be back" she got up.

"You can't reschedule?"


"It's- you're going through a lot" he shrugged.

"He said today and I'd rather just get it over with" she began to change.

"So why is it that you don't want to talk to me... get it over with" he sat on the bed.

She turned around, facing him.

"Get some sleep" she said before she left the room.

"He's not going to break up with you Spence" Emily said as Spencer walked to her kitchen.

"You know I hate it when you show up randomly" she replied.

"He loves you."

"Don't say things like that" she whispered.

"It's the truth"

"Can you just- not?"

"You love him"

"Emily that's enough" she slammed the fridge door shut, walking to the counter with jam.

"I don't know why it's hard for you to realize it" she shook her head.

"I don't know why it's hard for you to understand boundaries" she grabbed bread and put it in the toaster.

"Spencer seriously... why can't you admit it?"

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