140. Someone like you

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"Hey!" Spencer brought Harry in for a tight hug. "How's my favorite boy doing?"

"Good" he chuckled, hugging her.

"Good, because for the next two weeks it's going to be pure fun!"

"What are we doing today?" he asked as they walked out of the train station.

"Well, I have a surprise for you" she placed her arm around his back.

"Can I know what it is?"

"Yeah" she nodded.

"What is it?" he looked up at her.

"Can you wait till we get in the car?"

"No" he shook his head.

"Well you're going to have to" she laughed.

"Ugh!" he groaned. "You're the worst."

"Oh I know, utterly horrible" she agreed.

"Are we there yet?"

"Do you see the car?"

Harry looked around, after a moment he stopped walking as he found Remus resting against the hood- his hands in his pockets.

Spencer had sucked up her pride and asked him to accompany her to pick up Harry.

She knew how much Remus meant to Harry.

This was for Harry.

Harry smiled widely as he ran up to Remus, greeting him with a hug.

She could hear Remus' chuckle as he blew the air out of him.

"Hey Jamie" he greeted.

"Hi" he smiled. "How are you Professor?"

Remus nodded as he cleared his throat, "good, good... you?"

"Yeah" he shrugged. "Where did you go?"

"Wales" he nodded. "Just needed to get away" he shrugged.


"Come on, let's go, I'm hungry" Spencer got in the drivers seat.

Harry got in the back seat.

God, that kid and his fucking manners, Spencer told herself.

Remus got in, she turned on the car and drove to a diner near her house.

"Three?" the host asked.

She nodded, the hose led them to a table. They picked up the menus and looked at what they wanted to eat.

"I need to pee" Harry spoke. "Order me the chicken and waffles?" he asked her.

"You didn't pee on the train?"

"No, I got scared."

"Scared? Of what?"

He was about to answer before realizing Remus was there. He looked at him, then back at Spencer.

"I'm going to go pee" he said before leaving.

"Ok" she chuckled, looking back at the menu.

A few moments passed before Remus spoke again.

"Thank you, for inviting me today."

She nodded slowly, "I did it for Harry."

She saw him swallow.

"I know" he replied.


"Ready to order?" a waitress came up to their table.

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