37. Muffins

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"Hey" Spencer said softly to wake him. "Good morning" she added before kissing him.

"Good afternoon" he chuckled as he looked at his watch. "Want to eat cake for breakfast?" he asked.

Spencer giggled as she held him tighter. "Ugh- I just want to stay in bed with you but cake sounds really good" she said against his chest.

Remus chuckled before kissing her shoulder and getting up.

"Remus" Spencer groaned.

"Someone has things to do today" he laughed. "Come eat breakfast with me" he added as he walked towards her kitchen.

"Ugh" Spencer said as she sat up and stretched. She looked at herself in the mirror and rubbed her eyes.

She tried to look for her chapstick but instead her eyes were met with a messy dresser. She chuckled before shaking her head and levitating everything that was on the floor back up.

"Did you get up?" Remus asked from the kitchen.

"Yea" Spencer replied as she walked towards him. "Thank you for fixing up my living room" she said kissing his cheek.

"Sorry I didn't do your room" he chuckled.

"It's okay, I just did" she replied before sitting down. "Did you throw away the wax?" Spencer asked before taking a bite out of the cake.

"No, actually," Remus replied as he took his own bite, "it's levitating in a glass box in your coloring room" he nodded.

"It won't go bad?" Spencer asked.

Remus shook his head, "no, I charmed it to a cool temperature" he answered. Spencer nodded before saying his cake tasted wonderful. He smiled before kissing her cheek and washing the plate they just used.

"I have a couple things I need to do today" he said.

Spencer nodded, "when will you get back?" she asked.

Remus shrugged, "not late?" he replied.

"Ok" Spencer replied as she wrapped her arms around his waist, letting her head rest on his back. "I'm going to take some to the kids" she added before kissing his back and conjuring a picnic basket.

He nodded as Spencer placed the muffins in the basket in comfortable silence. Spencer walked out of the kitchen, going to put her sweater on, until Remus called out for her.

"Yeah?" she replied.

Remus walked out of the kitchen, going towards her, and pulling her close. "Stay warm" he said as he kissed her head.

"You too" she smiled before kissing his cheek and walking out.

She kept smiling to herself as she walked to the Gryffindor common room. "How was the party boys?" Spencer asked Ron and Harry who were sitting in front of the fire.

"Great" Harry smiled.

"Lovely" she smiled back.

"Here, I come bearing gifts" she smiled before sitting down behind them. The duo turned around and smiled to themselves before reaching for muffins.

"These are great Spence" Ron said with the muffin in his mouth. "Have you made these before? I swear I've tasted them before" he added.

"From a box" she chuckled.

"I love things from a box" Harry nodded with a chuckle.

"How are your brothers?" Spencer asked Ron.

"Waking up with a headache I'd wager" he laughed.

Spencer shook her head with a smirk. "Hermione?" she asked.

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