69. *On the road to happiness

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Spencer woke up in an empty bed, she stretched as she heard the shower running.

She walked to the bathroom, looking at him as he let the water hit his face.

"Can I join you?" Spencer asked as Remus showered.

"The answer will never be no" he chuckled.

Spencer took off her clothes, walking to him.

"Hello" he said softly, smiling.

"Hi" she blushed. "Did you do your hair already?"

"No" he shook his head. "Would you like to do it?"

"If you don't mind" she nodded.

He reached for the shampoo, handing it over to her.

Their hands grazed one another before letting go.

Spencer placed some on her palm before standing on her tippy toes and reaching for his hair, Remus looked down.

He cleared his throat as her breasts were in front of his face.

Spencer chuckled, "what" he asked as she massaged his scalp.

She shook her head, "you are so you" she smiled.

"Is that a compliment?"

"Yeah" she kissed his cheek.

Remus chuckled as Spencer finished washing his hair.

"Okay, turn around now."

"But I liked the view" he said.

"I know" she chuckled before making him turn around.

As the water took the shampoo off of his hair, Spencer ran her hands on his back.

Tracing scars like she always did.

He smiled at her touch, feeling as if he was floating.

Once it was out, Spencer kissed his back.

"That felt very nice, thank you" he turned around.

Spencer smiled, she looked down at his neck and back up at him.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

She nodded, "very much, though I do wonder what it was that had you begging for it" she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I wasn't begging" he shook his head, hiding his grin.

"Sure" she nodded before kissing his neck.

"Mm" he moaned and looked at the ceiling.

"Ya ves?" she pulled back.
(You see?)

He furrowed his eyebrows, "you see" she translated.

Remus chuckled, nodding.

"I don't know, it just felt right" he answered. "You feel right" he kissed her.

"Do I?" she blushed.

"Very much" he whispered in her ear.

Remus finished showering first. Though he did wash Spencer's hair, she wanted to be in the water longer.

When she had enough, she walked to their room and found Remus in pajama pants on their bed.

"Are you not going to breakfast?" she asked gripping her towel.

He shook his head, sitting up.

"Well I'll be making an appearance" she walked to her mirror.

Remus stood up, standing behind her.

He grabbed her towel and dried her body, Spencer didn't miss how he made sure her breasts had not a molecule of water.

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