129. Christmas

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"Hmm" she said sleepily.

"Spencer" Andrew poked her.

"What?" she asked, eyes closed.

"It's Christmas Day."

"Yes I know" she nodded.

"Santa came."

"He what!?" she exclaimed.

"Shut up" he laughed. "It's time for presents."

"Presents at the Weasley's" she shook her head.

"What about ours?"

"At the Weasley's- let me sleep."

"No- I want to open them now."


"Wake up" he groaned. "I made hot chocolate."

She opened one eye, "is it warm?"

"What question is that? Of course it's warm, come downstairs woman!" he left her room.

Spencer groaned as she turned around.

"I hate Christmas" she said out loud.

"No you don't!" Andrew said cheerfully.

She rolled her eyes before sitting up, stretching as the sun rose.



"What time is it?"

"5:45" he answered.

She looked over to her clock.


"Andy!" she exclaimed.

"Hurry up."

She shook her head with a smile on her face. She put on a robe before going downstairs.

"Good morning my beautiful best friend."

"Shut up, where's my hot chocolate."

He laughed, "here" he handed her a mug.

She took a sip, "ah, this is life" she nodded.

"Gifts gifts gifts" he walked to the tree. "Me first, of course."

"Of course" she nodded.

"Which one should I open?" he looked at the gifts below the tree.

Spencer sat on the couch, Nox got on her lap.

"Merry Christmas my love" she kissed his forehead.

He meowed.

She smiled down at him.

"This one" he grabbed a big box, he shook it and heard the inside rattle.

Spencer laughed.

He opened the box and found a pair of sneakers.

"You know, for when you go out to muggle city" she smiled. "Can't wear dress shoes all the time."

"Yes I can, but thank you they are... pretty."

He pulled out pijama pants, vhs tapes, two new vinyls, and socks.

"Oh these are the best!" he looked at the socks.

They had printed tacos with feet all over them.

She chuckled, "open the one with the red bow."

He did so.

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